Sagittarius Season 2020

We’ve had an active sky drama over these past few months, and it is still in the works for a long time coming as we prepare to close out 2020 with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. Watch for the new social order as it will emerge with this Winter Solstice as the major catalyst time.

We’ve had Mars station direct Nov 13th, we just had the 3rd and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction Nov 12th (happens only every 12-13 years), and we’re about to enter the 1st quarter moon in Pisces with the ingress of the Sun in Sagittarius Nov 21st.

With the newness of Sagittarius season, we just exited the post shadow phase of Mercury’s retrograde through Scorpio/Libra Nov 19. With this renewal of awareness we have this opportunity to joyfully integrate all the internal revelations + rememberings. We’re seeing there is much to remember, so that we can move forward with integrity + authenticity + alignment.

We have 2 eclipses coming up as we soon enter Sagittarius season. The Full Moon Nov 30 is an eclipse with the Moon at 8˚ Gemini near the North Node at 19˚ Gemini, and the Sun at 8˚ Sagittarius, near the South Node. We’ll also have the Sagittarius new moon eclipse Dec 14, with the Sun + Moon at 23˚ Sagittarius, within a 4˚ orb of the South Node. Eclipses are catalyst times for evolution, helping us bridge the essence of our past gifts + future trajectory.

This Plutonian year has been reminding us to not settle for the illusions on the surface of the waters. There can be a sparkly light dance, an intrigue, an idea that what is on the surface is all that’s there. But really, we’re coming to remember that there are worlds within worlds within worlds, internally + externally that are calling for our attention + intention. This remembering is what integrates us with our reason for being here. This remembering aligns us with what is best for ourselves, those we love, and for the Earth.

Watch this video below to hear more about the current cycles!

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty