Virgo Season - Attunement to our Authentic Soul Pattern

The Sun enters Virgo at 8:44am Pacific time, Saturday August 22nd, 2020. Where do you have Virgo in your chart? This is where you’ll be purifying, cleansing, reviewing, discerning + strategizing about where to put your energy for the coming year.

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Mercury is still within a 5˚ orb of the Sun to begin the season, in his own internally ruling and exalted sign, giving us a taste of elegant strategy in how we move into the mutable portion or closing of this season. The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius + Pisces) always come at the end of the season, to show us a glimpse of the coming season, and help us to tie together all the loose ends of what we hoped to accomplish during the cardinal and fixed times of the season.

This Yin Mutable Earth time of Virgo is ideal for reflecting on what we’ve done, and what we’d like to do next.

 Whenever we’re working with the Sun in any sign, we always want to be conscious of the opposing sign, and any planets there, in this case meaning both Ceres and Neptune, who are both also retrograde in Pisces.


The Virgo/Pisces axis brings up healing and service, and helping us to find our way in the integration process between our spiritual and daily life rhythms. 


We also want to be aware of the squaring signs to the Sun, which are Gemini and Sagittarius, where the lunar nodes are currently occupying for another 16 months. We know that within a few weeks, both Mercury and the Sun will square the nodes, bringing up a creative tension that we’ll feel necessary to resolve with whatever resources we have available.


With Virgo, the key to mastery is to have an awareness of the cycles and patterns of daily life and existence, and be able to have a plan and a strategy to make the best of the season we find ourselves in.


We want to have our eye out for a few key planetary cycles that will help us to strategize this month. The first one being the recently stationed retrograde Uranus in Taurus, who joined all the bridge and transpersonal planets, as well as Chiron, Pallas Athene, Ceres and Eris. 


Virgo being the inner side of Mercury asks us to look at our internal patterns too, to see how the microcosm is being reflected by the macrocosm. If we like what we see on the outside, then we know what to do more of. If we don’t like what we’re seeing on the outside, we know where to put our attention and efforts to make some kind of change. 


This natural proclivity to internalized mental processes aligns well with the energy of retrograde planets, as we all have a lot to reflect on about the past, what we want to bring forward, and what we know we need to decondition and deprogram.


When we’re working with the energy of Virgo, we want to include Mercury in our discussions, as well as Chiron, and some of the Goddess asteroids, as they all share Virgoan affinities.


Mercury helps us to hone in on what we really need to say, without wasting words, time or energy. Mercury is in Virgo for the first half of Virgo season, and then moves into Libra September 5th, there to stay until the end of the Sun’s time in Virgo. We work first through internal analysis, discernment and reflection, and really honing in on the details. Then we shift into more exploration of other peoples’ ideas and this can help us balance out anywhere we might get too stuck in our own patterning.


Chiron is the sensitive healer centaur who helps bridge the gap between the subconscious and conscious realms, and therefore helps us to put together all the pieces of the puzzle. With Chiron currently Retrograde in Aries, we are going back to some sort of deeper self-awareness, really sitting with our desire nature, and looking at where we need to heal the broken masculine within us and our culture, and how to raise up the divine yang for new levels of initiation into the higher realms of possibility and creation.


Juno, the Goddess asteroid of commitment, soul contracts, and marriage, also protects mothers, and our own self-mothering process. Right now, she’s in Libra, really offering a new perspective to what will bring us what we really want in relationships with others. She moves into Scorpio September 20th, with the Sun in her final degrees of Virgo. Now is a good time to evaluate your commitments, and note to who and what you are most committed to and why. Is it contributing to greater harmony in your life and for those around you?


Ceres connects to both Virgo and Pisces, and with Ceres currently retrograde in Pisces, there is a profound offering of integration, and coming to terms with how we are feeding ourselves, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Some of the shadow of Ceres themes can point us to issues of disordered eating, or simply not nourishing ourselves in accordance with what we really need. 


The Full Moon in Pisces between September 1st and 2nd will also be positioned between Ceres and Neptune in Pisces at 10˚. This opposition time with the Sun in Virgo can really help us to very specifically identify the resources we are consuming, and how this serves us or not. This Full Moon will also be involving an exact trine to Uranus at 10˚ Taurus from the Sun at 10˚ Virgo, and a sextile from the Moon at 10˚ Pisces. We can really take this time to re-organize our priorities to be more wholistic in their scope, and also very practical, given the strength of the Earth dominance we’re working with on the cosmic stage.


Venus begins Virgo season in Cancer, and moves to Leo September 6th, and then forms a conjunction with Vesta in the final moments of Virgo season. Vesta is the Goddess asteroid of sacred service and devotion, linking us to our highest most soul aligned purpose, and really honoring the sacred fires that we need to keep our attention on. Wherever Venus travels, she brings ease, beauty, harmony, and the power of feminine attraction and manifestation. 


This is all about being in the receptive mode, allowing what we want to come into our lives, and learning how we can make intentional space for it. Nature abhors a vacuum, so even when we meditate and clear our minds of the cobwebs and just sit in stillness, our Higher Self rushes in to fill the space, and helps us to reposition ourselves in our own wisdom.


We’ll have Jupiter stationing direct September 12th at 17˚ Capricorn, and seeing where you have this degree in your chart, you can see where the forward momentum of your expansion process will take you. We’ve been doing this slow and steady expansion, but it may be feeling more like 2 steps forward and one step back during the retrograde time. With the forward motion, we’ll have more confidence and alignment in our belief systems that are laying the foundation for what we’re building into our futures, so we’ll be able to take more direct action on our goals. In the collective realm, we are really fine-tuning and refining what we believe to be true about the world, and we have this beautiful opportunity to feel into what our beliefs will create into society. 


This is an ongoing conversation, and we’ll likely make some big leaps forward when Jupiter moves into Aquarius and forms that Great Conjunction with Saturn in December. So, for now, we are in the ‘letting go of the old and preparing for the new’ time, and making sure that we really do justice to the positives of what has already been created. We are standing on the shoulders of giants in many ways. There is so much good that we have done in this world, and yet we still have a long way to go in achieving our true goals for a healthy and balanced societal structure. 


We all have a role in this, and it’s very important that you decide what yours is going to be, now. Some roles are loud, some are quiet, some are public and some are private. There is no one size fits all to navigating these changes, or even to being the change, but the most important factor always is to know who we are. From where are you sourcing this information? Working with the mental acuity, honesty and purity of Virgo can really help us identify with what light we want to share, and where and how we can perfect our craft so that it is useable in the new world.


Some down to Earth Virgoan things you can do this season to make your life easier and more internally harmonious:

-       Clean out your closet, or those drawers, or that desk. Release those old sticky notes into the wild (respectfully + sustainably of course). Make every space you use an altar.

-       Practice some self-acupressure, playing with the softness and gentleness of touch, and see where you can give your body more loving attention.

-       Cook for yourself, and experiment with simple foods so you can identify what is doing what in your body. The fewer ingredients, the better. Or maybe even just one food completely at a time. This applies to crystals, herbal allies and essential oils as well. Less is more when it comes to identifying the true essence of a medicine.

-       Find time to sit, be still, and do absolutely nothing. Let your mind completely empty itself.

-       Rub your belly or someone else’s. 

-       Write out your life purpose goals info-graphically.

-       Commit yourself to doing at least one thing daily that is aligned with your truest work in the world.


We can engage with the apprentice energy of Virgo, where we are mastering the skills of our trade, and this might mean you are on the side of mentoring others or being mentored yourself. Stay attuned to the opportunities to work with masters. On all of the levels, our guides are reaching out for us to transmit the skills that are needed for the evolution of this planet.


As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate you staying with me and receiving this Virgo season download. I wish you all the best in your self-exploration this season!

Peace + planets,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty