Great Neural Pathway Reset - Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Take a deep breath. Are you tuned into your light today? Your gift expression?

They’re here for you always, as is this transcendent time.

It’s almost time for the Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. It’s happening Monday, December 21st at 10:20am PST, at 0˚29’ Aquarius. Where you have this powerful degree in your chart will emphasize the course of what I’m calling your Great Neural Pathway Reset. Get ready for the Great Restructuring!'

Saturn corresponds strongly with time, measurement, and structuring of our reality. Jupiter corresponds strongly with our Higher Self Aspirations, our goals, our inner teacher, what opens us to the highest aspects of life, and expansion and growth. 

When you look at both of these planets in your own chart, this is what can be a strong basis for your social purpose, or what you’re doing out in the world. When it comes to making any sort of life goal, we always want to know where both Jupiter and Saturn are, both in our natal charts, as a sort of overall yearly life structuring compass, but also by transit, to see what kinds of goals we are most likely to be supported with each year or every few years.

Watch this video below to hear about some of the big details of this Great Air Mutation conjunction + overall Aquarian energy that is emerging, as well as some keywords for this Great Conjunction through all 12 houses.

so. much. is happening!

Wishing you the best this solstice + in all your manifestations of the great beyond!

Peace + planets,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty