Rx Season + North Node in Gemini - the Bigger Picture

Learning the relativity of truth with kindness, compassion + re-imagining the future possibilities this retrograde season!

Here are the cliff-notes, or watch video below!

It’s Retrograde season! Venus stationed Rx last night, and Jupiter joins the Rx party tomorrow, with Pluto + Saturn already holding it down.

  • Pluto stationed Rx April 25 at 24˚59’ Capricorn, goes direct Oct 4th at 22˚29’ Capricorn

  • Saturn stationed Rx May 10th at 1˚57’ Aquarius, goes direct Sep 29 at 25˚20’ Capricorn

  • Venus stationed Rx at 21˚50’ Gemini May 12th, goes direct June 25th at 5˚20’ Gemini

  • Jupiter stations Rx May 14th at 27˚14’ Capricorn, conjuncts Pluto again June 30th at 24˚06’ Capricorn, goes direct Sep 12 at 17˚24’ Capricorn

  • Pallas Athene stations Rx May 17th at 0˚57’ Aquarius ***This is at the point where Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct this December 21st, the same day as the Winter Solstice! Look at what happens here with Pallas Athene and get cozy with this 1st degree of Aquarius. This is how you can look ahead to get a taste of what this big Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will look + feel like for you.*** She goes direct Sep 5 at 12˚12’ Capricorn.

Oh, and Mars just entered Pisces last night, + tomorrow morning we have the 3rd quarter Moon in Aquarius. So much happening! Have you been tracking your Moon cycles? Find out more about ($22!) moon tracking readings here!

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty