Taurus Season - Come to Your Senses

The Sun enters Taurus April 19th, 7:45am PDT, here until May 20th

Key Taurus themes:

Values, priorities

How the quality of our personal resonance/sound is the most healing for us individually

Self-reliance, self-esteem, reliability, self-worth

Survival – history (Uranus in Taurus, dust bowl, Great Depression, farming technology, food issues, resources for survival, hoarding, overcoming fear around poverty/scarcity)

Self-care ritual, ritual over routine, sustainability

Connecting with pleasure for the sake of healing + reducing anxiety

Honoring + fine-tuning in the sensitivity of our sensations, learning to decode this information, learning the language of the body



We have 5 celestial bodies stationing Retrograde this season (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus! + Pallas Athene). We have the lunar nodal axis shift moving out of the focus of Capricorn/Cancer to Sagittarius/Gemini.

Watch video or scroll down to peep the major aspects of the season.

Major Aspects:


New Moon at 3˚24’ Taurus April 22nd, 7:25pm PDT

-       Pluto quintile Chiron just over an hour before. Quintiles bring up spiritual resources + support between the planets involved, highlighting transformative healing opportunities where you have around 24-25˚ Capricorn + 6-7˚ Aries. This is also on the Cardinal cross, both signs involved with identity + how individuality intersects with societal role, which is a big curiosity for many at this time. The big question we can keep asking is: how is this situation good for me in embodying the highest good of what I came here to contribute? How can I learn to see that what is good for me is good for the collective + vice versa? There can be a profound linking up of personal + collective solidarity, so we see less of a distinction + more creative collaboration. This is how solutions come about.

-       The New Moon itself brings about a new seeding of values + priorities, really looking at what needs to shift in our survival tactics, which is our self-care ritual. We need to see that taking care of ourselves, our bodies + our health is a non-negotiable, and this includes how we steward the Earth + the beings we are in community with from the plant, mineral + animal kingdoms. We may find our personal identities + values are finding greater harmony with the natural processes of the Earth, seeing our societal values start to shift more quickly into the resonance + alignment with true wellness, which is inherently sustainable. 

  ***We won’t have to feel as though we must choose between personal wellness + the health of the planet. They are one + the same, contrary to what we have been deluded into believing at the core of Western society. We are not at odds with nature. We are One + the same. ***


Ceres enters Pisces April 23rd

-       Nurturing the All, the whole.


Pluto stations Rx at 24˚59’ Capricorn April 25th at 11:54am PDT

-       We’re going back to look at what we’ve missed over the past 6 months, + finding a deeper level to transform societally. Pluto will travel back to 



Sun will conjoin Uranus at 6˚35’ Taurus, April 26th, at 2am PDT

-       Illumination of what needs to shift in our values + priorities. Our sense of purpose being aligned with choosing change, most notably on a physical, tangible, resource-based level.


Mercury enters Taurus April 27th

-       Focus on the throat chakra, learning to love more deeply the sound of your own voice, seeing it as the healing sound it is. The most healing resonance for each of us individually is the sound of our own voice, as it rings with our authentic nature + soul blueprint that echoes through each cell.

-       If there is something you struggle with in hearing your own voice, it may be a clue to what you are struggling to love within yourself on other levels. It may also point out the in-authenticities in how you speak… if there is a tone of voice you use that brings disharmony to yourself + others, make note of it. Is there more love needed in that area, or is there some sort of vocal conditioning that has made you think you need to speak that way? This is where the Capricornian deconditioning can meet the natural trine with Taurus to release the most healing vibrations within us. We don’t need to speak the ways we’ve been conditioned, especially those ways that are not loving or authentic.


Pallas Athene enters Aquarius April 29th

-       Joining Saturn, brings up issues of dismantling the patriarchal structures in society, specifically how women are doing this, linked to technology as well + progressive politics arising, question of exo-politics, much bigger than state or federal level, looking at world politics + also the universe + our place in it, zooming out to take a higher look at our global issues, all the way down to the micro-level.


Nodal Axis shifts into NN Gemini/SN Sagittarius

-       I’ll do a separate video/article on this :)

-       Linked to relativity of Truth, how we take in information, information overload, but needing to look at our beliefs + re-evaluate their intersectionality with our priorities + values this Taurus season, how does Truth + information intersect with resources individually + globally


Full Moon May 7th at 17˚20’ Scorpio

-       Illumination of shared resources, soul level power + self-worth, seeing yourself truly for the magnificent soul that you are, seeing yourself as the ascended masters, Akashic records, your Higher Self, + the Divine sees you, and integrating that way of relating with yourself, which inherently raises the frequency within intimate relationships.


Saturn stations Rx May 10th at 1˚57’ Aquarius

-       going back to 25˚ Capricorn, deconditioning + restructuring of society on all levels, finding ways to start working in the new paradigm


Mercury enters Gemini May 11th

-       Mercury moves swiftly this month, so be prepared for many different perspectives to come through this season + into Gemini season, especially with the North Node in Gemini being so prominent. Paying attention to where you have Gemini will become particularly important for the next year + a half, so observing your thoughts + ways of speaking, especially around the sharing of opinions + perspectives on Truth + what is happening in the world will be very telling for you about what themes you will be working with mentally for the next year and a half.


Mars enters Pisces May 12th

-       Where Mars moves indicates what will give us energy. Big action taken around aligning with Source directives, going with the Flow, learning to trust your guidance + perhaps laying low, resting, + finding your energy being increased via meditation + daydreaming. My favorite things! I’m biased with Mars in my 12th house, so this is my norm. 


Venus stations Rx May 12th at 21˚50’ Gemini

-       This happens roughly every 2 years, and is the retrograde cycle that happens the least often out of all the planets, so is always particularly important to note. This will mean going back through our conversations + evaluating the differences within our relationships. This is also looking at all the different timelines we are simultaneously living and how this will manifest in the realm of relationships. You can start to look at which relationships you have with different people, ideas + ways of creating that offer you a new perspective, or a way to expand your perception of reality. This is often a time in already existing relationships where old issues come up and a new form of resolution can be reached, especially if we are willing + able to confront the lies we tell ourselves. 

-       This is a time to be open to communicate about your needs, and willing to listen to those of others, and find that 3rd way, the most loving synthesis that is supportive of all involved. This can be a time of mastering the art of relating through conscious conversations. This can also be a time collectively of being able to hear other opinions, especially those that are seemingly opposite to your own, + find a way to lovingly engage without violence. Non-violent communication is something we can all always practice, and can see the benefits on all levels of relating.


Jupiter stations Rx May 14th at 27˚14’ Capricorn

-       This is going back to consider all the beliefs we’ve taken in + how they align or don’t align with our true wellbeing. This is particularly important in considering the politics + economics of the communities + societies we belong to, + how we can consciously expand our perspective to be inclusive of what is best for all. There is a deepening of truth about the structure of society that is coming to light, that has already been revealed + expanded, that we can take into ourselves + really benefit from. We can open up to a new paradigm as we dismantle the sicknesses of the current structure.

-       Jupiter conjuncts Pluto again at 24˚06’ June 30th bringing up that increase of power + transmutation, so we’ll have to be on the look-out this summer to see what re-emerges in the realm of economic inflation + the wellness of the society, and to consider pre-emptively what this might mean for us, particularly if we are struggling with financial resources.


Pallas Athene stations Rx at 0˚57’ Aquarius

-       This brings about the shifting in paradigm + focus of women making a change in society, and really how women’s empowerment is central to the shifting globally. This is the time to really connect with your communities to sense into how you can serve the Earth, the Goddess in all her forms, to invent or re-connect with ways of being in community that honors the needs of the feminine in all Beings. 


To sum up this Taurus season:

Be prepared to change the way you love yourself for the better, starting with acknowledging the innate beauty + pleasure of life. Observe how that awareness permeates your being on all levels, + increases your intelligence + ability to perceive Truth. Be open to new ways of being in this reality, and consider your role as a powerful individual within the social fabric of the new paradigm emerging here. You are pure Light, embodied + radiant in your natural expression. Own that, and watch how the attachments to the illusory form of security in your life naturally fade away. 


 * * *


Something you can do immediately to tune into the frequency of Taurus is sit with your senses. 


To engage with you all, I invite you to a Taurus-season Sensation game, where you connect with your 5 senses in a new way every day.


You can write them down either as they come, or at the end of the day. Evaluate what information each sensation is giving you (taste, touch, hear, smell, feel). I know we have more senses, especially those that come through our etheric + emotional bodies, and you can feel free to note those as well.  


Do this every day of Taurus season, + at the end of the month you’ll compile the 5 most important findings of your sensation experience.


So May 20th, the last day of Taurus season, you’ll share your results in your story or on your feed, tagging me @moon.mystic on Instagram, + that will be your ticket to enter to win a free Karmic Axis Reading. I’ll remind you throughout the month + will post my own sensory experience in my stories on IG. Tell your friends or anyone who you think could benefit from connecting more with the innate wisdom of their bodies! :)

 * * *

Be well, be here, be now. Bowing across the space,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty