Healing + Feeling this June

Oh hey friend!

It’s been a while. I was just thinking of you, and realizing how much I miss you! In this field of quantum leaping + necessary mass global systemic changes, I’ve had a lot on my mind + heart, as I know you have as well. We’re all in this together, + there is much that we are collectively feeling + healing

What do you need support with? Reach out! 

I believe we are ready to fully embrace l o v e + h a r m o n y as our default in relating with all beings. We are ready to BE the CHANGE

That’s why I’m switching up how I’m doing things, at least for the next little while. I want to support you in integrating the astro-wisdom in your daily life, through teaching astrology through ritual, meditation + embodiment practices (scroll down to see upcoming workshops).

You’ll still see videos but they will be more inspired by the cosmic mOMents rather than for each solar season. Because I LOVE you + want you to be EMPOWERED in the cosmic shifting, here’s a list of the upcoming major transits for this month + a mini-explanation of what to expect:

J u n e t h e m e s 

(dates listed in Pacific Time)

June 1st - Mercury enters pre-Rx shadow phase at 5˚29’ Cancer (observe your stories + the quality of your thoughts, a re-integration with inner child/inner parent is happening this season, Cancer/Capricorn axis is also associated with healing the rifts left behind by the scar of slavery, so collectively we are thinking a lot about this throughout the Retrograde season + how we can re-align with what is most supportive to eradicate systemic racism)

June 3rd - Vesta enters Cancer (devotion to the Great Mother + Child within us all, where can we devote ourselves to caring more deeply, devotion to healing the wounds of our ancestry, reclaiming our power, whatever that means for each of us)

June 5th - Full Moon Penumbral LUNAR eclipse at 15˚34’ Sagittarius (rapid acceleration + release of limiting beliefs of self, infused with higher vision for the future, staying open to all possibilities, connecting with Truth + honoring the relativity of Truth)

June 10th - Uranus semi-sextile Chiron (liberation of personal resources + awareness of what we can change as individuals to create more freedom + healing)

June 12th - 3rd quarter moon at 22˚42’ Pisces conjunct Neptune (integrating what is fragmented, connecting to a higher power, transcendence, unconditional love, embracing the mystic path for active release of “conditions” around love)

June 17th - Mercury stations Retrograde at 14˚46’ Cancer (reclaiming personal narrative of the inner child, ancestral lineage, self-image, thinking nourishing thoughts, sharing our story as medicine)

June 20th - Sun enters Cancer + New Moon Annular SOLAR Eclipse at 0˚21’ Cancer (new life, new celebration, rapid acceleration toward the future we really want to create, new beginnings, aligning ourselves with the needs of the world’s children + our inner child(ren), considering the next 7 generations minimum, re-infusion of heart-centered purpose, protection, nourishment + safety, the love of the F I E R C E M O T H E R , commitment to caring for all parts of us, individually + collectively)

June 22nd - Neptune stations Retrograde at 20˚58’ Pisces (reviewing connection to spirit, soul retrieval from past lives, reclaiming our psychic birthrights, moving from confusion to clarity, trusting the process of spiritual evolution despite the current disillusionments we’re collectively facing, remembering unity + Oneness, surrender, letting go, returning our awareness to our true source of energy, creation + love, musing at the infinitude of the universe, immersing ourselves in the poetry of our lives, letting ourselves BE ENOUGH as we are, yet knowing we can always improve, learn + grow)

June 24th - Venus stations direct at 5˚20’ Gemini (acknowledging all lessons in consciously relating with others, considering all new perspectives that have entered our field, piecing back together the time splits + the alternate realities that Venus Rx introduced, walking the talk, practicing the art of active listening + being present in curiousity to the continuous blossoming of our truest desires, owning our beauty as multi-faceted beings, reorienting our choices in alignment with our truest values)

June 27th - Mars enters Aries (after moving through Mars in Pisces where we’ve experienced much confusion over right action, we will move into greater instinctual awareness of what is truly right action for each of us as individuals, new ways of sharing our energy, new instinctual action, new beginnings, becoming the highest version of the type of Warrior you are - look where you have Aries to find a component your warrior nature, along with your natal Mars + the relation between transiting Mars in Aries + your natal Mars. This will become very important as Mars will station retrograde in Aries in July, lasting to September, and fully exiting the post rx shadow phase Jan 2nd of 2021, so, Mars in Aries is a very long-term transit, consider what inspired action looks like to you, honor the innocence of your desires + passions, see them as pure energy, + find the highest outlet for this passion)

June 28th - 1st quarter Moon at 7˚06’ Libra (embracing the magic of co-creation, seeing yourself as the other, letting them see another part of you, listening to the other to create harmonious relations, collaboration without codependency)

June 29th - Jupiter Rx conjunct Pluto Rx at 24˚07’ Capricorn (this is the 2nd of 3 Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions, bringing the essence of consciousness expansion + awakening together - Jupiter - with deep soul transformation - Pluto - and letting this union catalyze your higher self aspirations, ie, what future system do you want to create, + how can you involve your higher self in that process? where you have 24˚ Capricorn will highlight the area of your life where this nuclear expansion is occurring, observe society for big political + economic changes, + note how this interfaces with your personal experience, what is your role in the dismantling of the wounded patriarchy?)

upcoming workshops

June 5th - working with this Mercury Rx in Cancer

supporting connection with inner child, healing ancestral wounds, connecting with healing stories, honoring + communicating our needs, connecting with our self-image, balancing brain hemispheres, how to work with this coming Mercury Rx in Cancer in relation to our own chart

sharing our s t o r i e s is one of the most h e a l i n g things we can do!

June 20th - Embrace your Moon Medicine

our moon is our medicine

connecting with our Moon, South Node + North Node offers us a well-rounded view of our personal medicine + gifts we innately carry

come deepen the m a g i c + m e d i c i n e that is you!

Be well, be here, be now. 

Bowing across the space, 


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty