Aquarius Season 2022

The Sun enters Aquarius Jan 19th, 6:39pm PST. Welcome to Yang Fixed Air, the sign of the Water Bearer, come to enlighten us all!

Watch this 24 minute video below where I share some downloads!

The ingress chart features a strong Capricorn stellium involving Vesta (Goddess Asteroid of Sacred Service + Devotional Sovereignty), Venus Rx (our morning star), Juno (Goddess Asteroid of Commitment + Relational healing), and Pluto (transformational bad ass).

The nodes are now shifted into Taurus and Scorpio as of January 18th until July 2023, with Venus ruling the North Node, and both Mars and Pluto ruling the South Node. All 3 of these planetary rulers (Venus, Mars + Pluto) are spending Aquarius season predominantly in Capricorn (Mars will enter Capricorn January 24th, joining the Capricorn stellium).

This brings a strong emphasis to the root chakra, and issues of security, finances and belonging.

We have a lot of shifting energy this solar season. A lot of the planets and asteroids are shifting into new signs, so we’ll feel some quantum leaping in perspective this month.

We’ll also have both Venus and Mercury station direct in Capricorn, and this will bring more clarity moving us more into a future perspective. We’ve been doing a lot of work clearing out emotional remnants of the past, where we have residual attachments to the way things used to be. We know things aren’t going back to the way they used to be, and we’re feeling this on many levels. 

We’re supported with the South Node in Scorpio to release emotional attachments, especially those that are connected with the fear of change, or attachment to what was.

Aquarius wisdom reminds us that the only thing constant is change. While the fixed signs carry an energy of consistency, both Scorpio and Aquarius by virtue of their elementals, keep us in the energy of consistent change. 

Scorpio shows us how the waters of our emotional energy must always be in constant flow or else risk stagnancy and dis-ease. Aquarius emphasizes the importance of non-attachment to our thoughts, because they too are always changing. 

There are estimates on how many thoughts we have per day, with most averaging about 6000 thoughts per day… so, what are you thinking about? What are you magnetizing with the power of your thoughts?

The most common mental ailment is anxiety. With so much up in the air, and Aquarius being a Saturnian ruled sign, there might be a stronger propensity for anxiety to amp up during this season, especially if there is a predominant energy of fear in what we’re consuming.

This is where we get to bring in more control to what we’re taking in, remembering that just as what goes up must come down, what goes in must come out. South Node Scorpio! Detoxing! If we want to save ourselves some of the painful symptoms of heavy detox, then we need to do our part to not ingest poison, or toxic material.

Pluto will form a trine with the North Node February 14th, a great time to transform our approach to self-love. Taurus is the sign of loving self-reliance, owning and honoring our innate worthiness, and Pluto in Capricorn can show us where we’re not fully honoring our boundaries. 

The trine energy brings strong energy flow between Pluto and the North Node, so this will be a time when something big will change and be accelerated for your growth in the Taurus part of your chart, especially around the final 5 degrees of Taurus.

The relationship focus will be strong this month in general, as Aquarius has strong affinity with platonic relationships and love for humanity.

Another love oriented transit is the conjunction between Venus and Mars happening February 16th at 16˚52’ Capricorn. This brings strong emphasis on staying grounded in relationship dynamics, balancing out with healthy boundaries, clear commitments and agreements, and rooted safety. 

Venus and Mars are spending about 4 months within orb of conjunction, meaning we are working out a lot of dynamics in our personal and collective relationships. 

There is a strong potential for unification of the masculine and feminine principle, as we can come together, and unite for the purposes of co-creation and healing. There is a maturation process happening, and we all get to become more mature and wise.

With both of these planets as planetary rulers of the Nodal Axis, it’s like past meets future, and future proves past. This is also tied to an Orwellian energy, summed  up by George Orwell’s 1984 quote: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

We can look at how this energy is playing out in the collective story and all the exposing of dark secrets with the South Node in Scorpio. I think this may be a year that many “conspiracy theorists” are vindicated, as they start to see more of their predictions become reality.

We know there is a major tension between the “status quo” energies and the uprising of those who seek freedom and liberation. We could place the status quo as represented by the Saturn in Aquarius energy, and the uprising and social justice energy with Uranus in Taurus. 

These two formed 3 potent squares last year, and are still within the orb of a square to each all this year. We are very much still in this dynamic collective tension for the year ahead. 

With the Sun in Aquarius and carrying the rulerships of both Saturn (the traditional ruler) and Uranus (the modern ruler), there will likely be extra observance of this push and pull energetically and literally, as Aquarius can feel either liberating or repressive depending on how its positioned. As always there is a strong factor of choice, especially in choosing how we communicate, even while in disagreement.

We often will feel all of the planets internally to some degree, as well as witnessing them playing out externally. But where you have the tension between Taurus and Aquarius in your chart is such a potent opportunity to look at where you are keeping yourself safe, and perhaps in a box, and where you have immense potential to liberate yourself, and align most thoroughly with your values.

This can also look like making new choices around your finances, and how you use and conserve resources. It feels beneficial to have a nice mix of both/and with Saturn and Uranus.  The New Moon in Aquarius January 31st will bring up a lot of these issues, as it is conjunct Saturn, and therefore also square Uranus. 

We can keep ourselves feeling rooted and safe by making sure we have what we need, and sharing with others so our communities are well-rooted and supported, and we can also venture outside the box to see what else is out there. This is a good strategy with Saturn-Uranus. We don’t want to jump too fast into something just because it’s new, and we don’t want to completely hold ourselves back just for the sake of safety. There’s a healthy middle, a both-and approach that typically works best.

Susan Gidel, a financial astrologer, talks often about the Saturn-Uranus square and how this plays out in the market. She notes that with each last-quarter square (like we’re in right now), we’ll see record highs, and she estimates we’ll see record lows come in with the conjunction which will be 2032. We tend to see the market coming to extreme volatility or crashing around the Saturn-Uranus opposition, which we most recently had around 2008-2009, and that things start to build up again around the first quarter square. 

There are many factors in understanding the market, but at the center of it is always human behavior and our emotions. With the South Node in Scorpio, we’ll want to make sure we’re doing all that we can to stay pure in our emotional bodies so that we don’t make triggered decisions out of fear or greed, which is usually what most marketing caters to. When we’re clear in our emotional bodies, we’re unfuckwithable.

There’s a strong emphasis on the Fixed Cross this month with the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius. We’ll also have a full moon at 28˚ Leo February 16th. The Full Moon configuration will have both the Sun and the Moon square the nodal axis, inviting us to look at the integration and balancing of the whole Fixed Cross.

The Fixed Cross is associated with deeply engrained karma, as well as opportunities to release ourselves from such karma by tuning into dharma and healing.

Most of the time, the hardest part is simply recognizing the pattern we’re in, and that we have some element of choice to forge a new path. This will require looking at our deepest attachments and being open to shifting. We can remain in the energy of trust and co-creating with spirit, constantly being open to: this, or something better.

We end Aquarius season with a sextile between Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus February 17th. This can be a supportive energy for opening our minds to what new inventions and innovations will be most helpful for the future we want to build. 

What we invest in now becomes the future we live in. We can apply this literally with our financial investing, but most importantly with our energy and our focus. 

Despite the hardships, social unrest and disagreements in the echo chamber, we can use this Jupiter-Uranus sextile to liberate our thought patterns, and bring more simplicity into our lives through the use of our intuition. 

We have to trust that what God/Goddess has for us, is for us. That our Higher Selves have our back. That even if there is no one coming to “save us”, that we are actually just being initiated into our own higher powers to save ourselves, and we are infinitely Divinely supported in this task.

So where is Aquarius in your chart? Do you have planets or other celestial bodies there being activated by these transits? How do you relate to the energy of innovation, change and co-creating for the future? 

In service,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty