Leo Season - Lion’s Gate Portal

Our Sun enters Leo July 22nd at 7:26am PDT, yang fixed fire, ruling the heart + spine, how we stand up for ourselves in confidence, self-assertion, self-validation.

What is the romance of your life? 

What is your great love?

Where does the Sun shine for you this season? Locating Leo in your chart highlights the area of life where you’ll witness the greatest sustaining of your innate creative potential. 

Every archetype carries its own creativity, as does every house, so Leo does not rule creativity alone, but there is an internal validation that bolsters Leonian pride in all, and we can celebrate the beauty of this pride. We can also find our pride if it’s gone missing.

We can examine any shadow expression around pride, and all that this word dredges up for us, so that we can embody only the highest expression. We can embolden ourselves + be authentic leaders for those who wish to connect + create with us. We are deciding the future each mOMent, co-creating with new empowerment!

This season holds two Full Moons in Aquarius, the Lion’s Gate Portal, a Mercury/Sun conjunction and a plethora of retrograde planets. It seems that the Leo sun is really sharing the spotlight this season, and with 2 full moons in Aquarius, it would appear that the major emphasis here is how we show up in our communities, with the collective, with the wider circles that envelop humanity.

Be ready to witness the party. How are you showing up? What is alive for you? What do you bring to every celebration dynamic? Do you need to call back any energy you left inauthentically at any previous parties? That’s a vibe for everyone who remembers high school. 

The retrograde planets will help us remember, and call back + re-interpret + re-integrate what we experienced but perhaps didn’t quite understand. In the here + now, the everlasting present, we are deciding what we create in the future each mOMent. 

Retrograde planet quick details:

Jupiter still Rx, enters Aquarius July 28th

Saturn still Rx in Aquarius

Chiron still Rx in Aries

Neptune still Rx in Pisces, with Pallas Athene Rx conjunct Neptune

Pluto still Rx in Capricorn

Uranus stations Rx in Taurus August 19th

We can transmute every bad memory of inauthenticity + offer it up to the Sun to shine light on ourselves in a way we’ve never seen. We can send love to the parts with the cracks + confusions. We can be born here in this moment, anew. You are always allowed to LOVE YOURSELF MORE. Welcome all of you hOMe.

There is no cap on our creativity. It matters only that it’s aligned.

Lion’s Gate quick details:

Opening at July 23rd Full Moon in Aquarius,

peaking at New Moon in Leo August 8th,

integrating until August 12th,

and beyond, to the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius at the end of Leo season, much magic afoot!

Watch this video to vibe the transits of this Leo solar season + the Lion’s Gate Portal

Peace + planets,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty