Full Moon in Capricorn, Neptune Rx, Rooted Reverence, Cosmic Love

The Moon is full at 3˚27’ Capricorn June 24th, 11:39am PT, opposing the Sun in Cancer. This is a Yin Cardinal Water Moon, being fully reflected upon from a Yin Cardinal Water Sun. This is a poignant pause and reflection mOMent.

With the plethora of retrograde planets this season, we can connect most specifically with Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius right now, as Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn. The Full Moon in Capricorn draws our attention to what is both being culminated in our emotional awareness around the structures and foundations of our lives, and also a simultaneous release of whatever structures we’ve attached ourselves to and are ready to liberate from. Saturn in Aquarius is helping us do that long-term, but we can invoke prayer, meditation, visualization, spells, intention + attention and all of our tools to do this work consciously during this Full Moon. 

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 3˚ Capricorn is “A group of people outfitting a canoe at the start of a journey by water”. Dane Rudhyar’s commentary on this really points us to the need for community creativity, making change to structures cohesively, starting a journey on a mass level together. This togetherness is highly relevant when considering Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, pointing us all back to how we are contributing to the changing of the guard, and where we can direct our energy for a new world. I love the affinity of water with this Sabian symbol, as it points us to the emotions, where our evolution is taking place biochemically. 

Our emotional awareness is our strongest indicator of evolution and spiritual maturity, which the Cancer/Capricorn axis is also strongly connected to. Cancer helps us to feel centered in our feeling body, so that we are resilient in our identity, and can stand up strong and firm out in the world, which Capricorn emphasizes. There is strong potential for new leaders to be seen and heard at this time for values like presence, self-awareness, empathy, and grounded practicality. Is this you?

How are you showing up as the leader of your own life? What is the foundation of your leadership path?

We can also do some powerful crystal charging and healing affirmations, as Capricorn, our Yin Cardinal Earth sign, has strong affinity and rulership within the crystal realm and healing the physical body.

Often the themes of Cancer/Capricorn evoke feelings of nostalgia for a different time, whether in our childhood when we were fully connected to our innocence, or to another timeline or life we lived, where all felt right in the world, where we felt truly aligned with our community systems and balanced with the Earth. These remembrances are important for re-attuning us to love for life, regardless of where we are in time and space. There are some things that are always true, even if other elements of the structure have fallen apart.

To help with the directing of our love this season, we can connect with both Venus + Neptune. Venus is a lower octave of Neptune, showcasing the oneness and expression nuances between human love (Venus) and Divine Love (Neptune). We’ll have Neptune stationing retrograde June 25th at 23˚12’ Pisces, and Venus entering Leo June 27th. Venus is still in her evening star phase, directing us toward ethereal visions and soul-centered alchemy. There is often a feeling of our heart pulling us deeper into the cosmos during the evening star period, but with the ability to really pull us deeper into our own heart.

I hope this Capricorn full moon brings you the illumination you crave at this time. Feed yourself with patience this full moon, and let your grounded practicality guide you forward. If you want to see where you have this Full Moon being illuminated in your chart, we can either connect for a reading, I do intensive readings or mini-readings, or you can check out my free astroglossary on my website, which you receive automatically when you sign up for my mailing list, and it has keywords for the houses that can help you decipher what’s transitioning for you at this time. 

This is a time to nourish our roots, so we can grow to give good fruits!

Bowing to you always, sovereign being,



Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty