Aries Season 2021

The Sun enters Aries Saturday, March 20th, 2:37am PDT

Mar 20 5:37 AM           Sun enters Aries           

Sun exalted in Aries, very happy there, it’s a party! 


Mar 21  10:16 AM          Venus enters Aries       

Venus is in detriment here, but all that means is maybe there’s something to shift in our relationship patterns to be more honoring of each individual, and connect to the wants and desires coming through, and be okay playing with fire a little bit. That being said, when we intentionally honor the opposite sign, in this case Libra, we invite in conscious evolution. We do that by always seeking to integrate the opposite, so that we can experience the fullness of conscious relating in all things, recognizing that there’s really never just one perspective, and yet every individual perspective is indeed valid. How can we hold both of these ideas in our minds and hearts simultaneously?


Mar 21  10:40 AM          First Quarter Moon      

Always a good time to reflect on what was seeded, which was the new moon at 23˚ Pisces march 13th, so what was seeded in the Pisces area of your chart might start to show fruition in the Cancer part of your chart on this day. 


Mar 23 4:07 AM           Pluto quintile Chiron   

Quintiles offer a gift expression, and a sense of playing with the energy. When involved with two celestial bodies of intense transformation and healing, this might mean playing with our heling story, and inviting in new dimensions of healing. We’ll be likely to be very supported in our efforts to transmute energy into greater understanding and self-awareness around this time, and since they are celestial bodies with longer orbits, this becomes a longer transit, so we are already feeling this. 

In the US, the US is going through a Chiron return, so if you’re connected to the US in any way, you will likely feel this. Looking at the planetary returns for countries is always a fun way to zone in on the collective energies. 

With Chiron specifically, we are zooming in on the link between the subconscious and the conscious mind, the rainbow bridge as Barbara Hand Clow has coined it, and we’re increasing our sensitivity to that which will bring healing awareness to us, so wherever you have Chiron in Aries transiting through your chart, currently at about 8 ½˚, this is a place to become more aware of that which will bring healing to your sense of self, your ego, your expression of individuality. 

Remembering that this will also be eventually conjoined by the Sun and Venus most especially strong March 27th and 28th, there is a very strong focus on this part of our chart, in whatever house that falls in for you, and any planets you might have in Aries, and also where you have Mars, and where transiting Mars is, because Mars is the domicile ruler of Aries, so any celestial body in Aries will have some kind of influence by Mars. 


March 27th        Jupiter enters pre-shadow phase 

If you’re wanting to learn about tracking retrograde experiences, now would be a good time to start journaling specifically in relation to Jupiter, and watching where you have these degrees of Aquarius in your chart. Jupiter will eventually station retrograde at 2˚ Pisces June 20th, will then retrograde back into Aquarius and all the way back stationing direct at 22˚ Aquarius, hitting this point a second time, and then staying in this post retrograde reflection until January of 2022 in Pisces. 

So, we get to explore the consciousness of Jupiter Rx between early Pisces and late Aquarius for quite a while, and it all begins here, March 27th. This can be a great time to consider what is really being expanded, what you’re hopeful for this year, what you’re hoping to learn, and how you’re hoping to grow, how connected you are with your Higher Self Aspirations, and how you are evolving toward that. You will likely stay in the realms of a similar feeling of expansion for the year as you start to come into fuller awareness of it up until June 20th.


Mar 28 2:48 PM           Full Moon in Libra      

Our Full Moon in Libra will remind us of integrating the opposite of Aries, and shining light on the patterns of our relationships, how we harmonize with others, and simultaneously assert our personal desires. What’s the interplay and dance there for you? Do you tend to resonate more with the energies of Aries or Libra, and where and when and in what circumstances do you fall differently onto that spectrum? We are different versions of ourselves in different areas of our lives. We might be more individualistic and self-focused in our career, but then very harmonious and other-oriented in our home lives, for example. We are not all just one archetype, but a blend of them all. This Full Moon feels like a time where we’ll get to explore that wisdom and grace, and hopefully celebrate our differences, and see how they all help us to be the best versions of ourselves possible. We help each other grow!


Apr 3    11:41 PM          Mercury enters Aries    

This will be a good time to tune into the magic and expression of your own voice. Be prepared for other people to be doing that as well, so that might invite in some of the competitive nature of Aries, but let’s let it be fun and playful! There might be some fighting words spoken, and just remember, you always are in the seat of power by remaining present and focused in the now, attuned to the desires that most serve you. That is always available, even when challenged by others.


Apr 4    6:02 AM            Last Quarter Moon Capricorn    


Apr 9    10:57 PM          Saturn trine North Node          

This will bring an intensity of focus to the AIR quality of the now. This can offer us solid dedication and discipline if we’re learning something new. For me, I know I’ll be deep in the fun of both my advanced course that I’m teaching, but I’m also learning a lot myself, and am very excited to really solidify and ground the things I’ve been exploring. Something that’s been returning to my awareness is birding. It’s a whole thing, and very Gemini. I always try to look at the North Node and feel into what kinds of activities re encouraged, and I always find it leads me to something glorious and aligned with my evolutionary path. So birding and spending time outside, just listening to birds, and learning about all their different names, and listening to podcasts, which is a whole Gemini thing unto itself, but listening to other experts talk about birds, and they know them so well, it just opens up a whole world to me that is so inspiring. And I LOVE being able to be in the beginner’s mind in that space. The Saturn in Aquarius trine North Node in Gemini can definitely invite in more balance between where we show up as experts or in our authority, but also where we can show up as beginners, and just have some fun learning.


Apr 11  10:31 PM          New Moon in Aries       

Divine self-seeding.

There will be an Aries stellium by this time, involving Chiron, Mercury, Ceres, The Sun + Moon and Venus. There’s a sextile by sign to Gemini, and also a trine by sign to Sagittarius, so this Aries season there will definitely be some positive growth forward in whatever ways we’re engaging with the Lunar node axis. On another level, there will be some squares, with Venus leading the way on the day of the New Moon, being squared exactly to Pluto in Capricorn. There will be definitely be an invitation to transform relation dynamics, and likely bringing attention to where our true soul desires aren’t being met. This happening at the time of a new moon might make us feel slightly in the dark about what that really means for us, but trust that the meaning will come as you continue throughout the season, and into the Full Moon that will happen in Taurus season. 


Apr 12  6:13 AM            Juno Retrograde          

Juno’s been hanging out with the South Node in Sagittarius, and with her retrograde, she will actually conjunct the South Node again July 6th, and then again August 8th once she’s direct. Being the Goddess asteroid of soul mates and soul contracts, you can be thinking of the nature of your committed relationships, and how freedom factors in, being in Sagittarius, but also the exploration of your past beliefs about relationships, what they mean, what they are for, and how you might like to expand those definitions to be more wholistic and supportive of where you are now. If you’re married or in long-term committed partnerships, you may feel this slightly more than others, just by the nature of Juno ruling marriage. But she also has affinity for pregnant women and protecting women in general, and so if you are in any kind of situation where the past keeps coming back to haunt you, or you need support to end a certain type of relationship dynamic or cycle, you can call on Juno to ask for help in expanding your vision, to make whatever changes you need to make, possible. This is a good time to challenge any default modes that include jealousy in relationships, or even more importantly, ending abusive situations, and really, to end gendered violence on a collective scale. We can’t stand for it. We won’t allow gendered violence to continue happening. We have to commit to whatever is our part ending this violence.

Apr 14  2:22 PM           Venus enters Taurus    

Venus loves to be in Taurus. It is her soul home. So, this will be a great time to just enjoy living, the sensual pleasures of life, being out in the world, feeling safe, honoring our bodies, our temples, really living into and leaning into the sacred of our earth suits, and sharing abundance in whatever ways we can.

Apr 19  6:29 AM           Mercury enters Taurus

Apr 19  4:33 PM           Sun enters Taurus       

As always, I like to remind you that the point of power is always in the present, and there are ways to bring more light into the world, simply by being you, and sharing you. The Aries energy reminds us to stand up for what we believe in, to be warriors for peace, justice, and love. I hope you enjoy this season, and of course, this shifting of seasons at this Equinoctial point. As always, it is such an honor to share with you, and if you’ve stayed this long through the video, thank you, I appreciate you, and please share with a friend who you think would resonate with this, and please share your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear from you. 


Peace + planets, namaste


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty