Pisces Season 2021

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Sun enters Pisces Thursday, Feb 18, 2:44am PST

Sun enters Pisces while within 8˚ orb of conjunction to Venus still in Aquarius, and Pallas Athene (Goddess asteroid of creative intelligence). The Sun is also in quintile with the South Node and Juno, the Goddess Asteroid of soul contracts, marriage + committed partnership. 


The Sun entering Pisces with these energies present emphasizes love, relationships, and harmony of intention and purpose. This feels like it will smooth out some of the erratic tension that’s been formed through the multitude of Aquarius-Taurus squares we’ve been working with. Venus squares Mars right near the beginning of Pisces season, adding an extra emphasis on smoothing out relational tensions right away, to acknowledge the best way through disagreements or conflicting perspectives. 


We’ll still have an Aquarius stellium active although waning over the month as a few of the inner planets leave the party to join the sadhana. This will generally be a good time to tune into what wants to be channeled from the higher realms, and to allow for more contemplative reflection and to sit with our sensitivities and honor what we’re feeling. We’ll likely be led to even greater transcendental insights with all that has been unlocked during the Aquarius season. This will be the time to alchemize the mental insights with the heart expanded.


Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, readying us for the integration of all that has come before. In many ways, the energy of the Pisces archetype resembles that of a balsamic moon, just before the new moon. This is where we explore the mystical sides of life, attune ourselves to the rhythms of what is not seen but felt, and honor the connection between all life. This is an opening to unity consciousness.


Pisces is associated with compassion, forgiveness, surrender, letting go, and most importantly, unconditional love. The timeless truth of love is that it is never actually true love if there are any conditions whatsoever, and that really as a collective we are relearning this in our relationships.


Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning she expresses herself most beautifully there, as she is free to dance, sing, and simply revel in the beauty and appreciation of all life. Looking at where planets are exalted gives us a deeper insight into the nature of the archetype. Pisces also rules the feet, and so Venus in Pisces holding the archetype of the dancer gives us insight into what can bring us into ecstatic joy and presence, truly loving what is.


We can look to the relationship of transiting Venus to our natal Venus to see what components of our values, priorities + aspects of our love languages are being initiated, and how we might more intentionally dance with these transitions.



The transits for this month:


Venus squares Mars Feb 19th

Mercury stations direct at 11˚ Aquarius Feb 20th

Ceres enter Aries Feb 21st

Venus enter Pisces Feb 25th

Jupiter trines the North Node Feb 26th

This Pisces season will host a Full Moon in Virgo at 8˚57’, Feb 27th

Mars enters Gemini March 3rd

Venus also sextile Uranus March 3rd

The Sun opposes Vesta in Virgo March 4th

Pallas Athene enters Pisces March 7th

The Sun conjunct Neptune March 10th

March 12th Mercury will exit the post retrograde shadow phase, we can all breathe a sigh of relief officially at this time

New Moon happening at 23˚04’ Pisces March 13th

Venus conjunct Neptune at 20˚45’ Pisces later in the day after the New Moon March 13th

Ceres conjunct Chiron in Aries also on March 13th – an active day!

Mercury will then also enter Pisces March 15th, just before the Sun enters Aries March 20th


*Another very important aspect that day, Saturday March 20th, will be the beginning of my advanced astrology course. Please reach out if you have any questions about joining. There’s also the option to dive into the foundations course at the same time or you can get started on it right away! 


Most importantly as always is to know how all of this energy is moving through your own chart and life, so you can show up as your best self out in the world. Let’s connect if you have any questions about this. Thanks for joining me, and I hope this content is helpful! If this has supported your explorations with astrology in any way, please share with your people. I appreciate you. Be well, we’ll connect again soon!

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty