I started thinking about how we all have these immense gifts and aspirations, but often one of the biggest difficulties is how to integrate our gifts with our aspirations in our complex lives, especially when we’re burdened by overwhelm or confusion.
What I’ve found through my work in astrology is that there is a strategy laid out for us that makes all of it much more simple.
One thought on this is that our South Node and all that is connected to it shows us our gifts, and our North Node emphasizes our aspirations, and that by sharing our South Node gifts with others, this naturally opens the doorway to us to explore our North Node aspirations.
I’ll share my personal example.
I started getting curious about what it is exactly that I do with people, because of course in the world of astrology and coaching, you’ve got to have your niche and be able to speak about it with clarity, so I’ve been working on this myself.
My South Node is Virgo, and one of my gifts is organization. I can take something seemingly chaotic, and re-format it and organize it into something useable that makes sense, and actually contributes positively to strategy.
I do things like guided meditation journal prompting, and mental mapping, and I’m pretty good at asking questions that get to the core of the issues arising.
Once the mental mapping is laid out and we can completely understand the issues at hand, the goals we have, the emotions that need processing, we have the clarity to make a plan out of what works. We can identify and use the resources already available, and this creates space for expansion and fulfillment.
Another way to say this is conscious evolution.
This spaciousness after feeling internally organized and clear is where the magic of integration happens, where we can feel tuned in to our aspirations, our dharma, and we can get beyond confusion and overwhelm.
I help people serve with clarity, joy and passionate enthusiasm. Our lives are meant to be lived, and our light is meant to shine!
All that I’ve had to learn in my own process around internal organization has brought me to greater clarity and integration, so I share my authentic astro-processing that I use daily. Joyful integration and self-realization is my ultimate goal, and my wish for everyone.
From organization we can serve with clarity.
From integration we can serve with purpose and joy.
From aspiration we can serve with passionate enthusiasm.
All of this and more is found in your natal chart, and we can use transits to decipher the strategy.
What is your North and South Node? Your gifts as told by your planetary placements?
How do you name and claim your gifts, and what are your aspirations?
What is being called forth from within you at this time?
In deepest gratitude for being able to share my gifts with you,