taurus season

Self-Healing this Taurus Season

Taurus season is starting off with a bang, those final Aries reflections that we will carry into the next season.

Scroll down or click here for video on Self-Healing

The second Full Moon in Libra in a row, happening at 29˚7’ of Aries and Libra at 4:12am PDT this Friday, April 19th. This is happening just about a day before the Sun enters Taurus April 20that 1:56am. As we welcome Yin Fixed Earth, the inner side of Venus’ nature, we are first prepped with the outer side of Venus through the Libra Full Moon. We get the chance to look outward to see the beauty of ourselves reflected back to us, before going in to smooth the inner edges.

Taurus season is incredibly powerful for creating sustainable routines, new ways to connect with the abundance that is always around us, and how to work honestly and diligently toward what we value most. This is a time for creating the beauty and deep sensual existence and healing that we strive for most.

With the Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus, this brings greater heightening to the awakening process we’ve begun with Uranus who is in Taurus for another 6 years. Uranus is also sextile Juno and Black Moon Lilith, pulling in a strong energy of working through shadow and karma in our committed relationships, primarily in how we are communicating. 

With Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius, this can link to how we are liberating ourselves from social conditioning surrounding self-expression, individuality, and perhaps femininity. With Juno in Gemini, this brings up communication patterns around how we get our needs met. This can be an excellent time to bring conscious intention to solving any issues around communication with anyone in your life, especially those with strong karmic ties.

Mercury also just entered Aries, soon to conjunct Chiron, with Venus about to join this configuration, pulling in a strong forward motion energy toward healing our feminine expressions. As we work through healing our whole self, both the masculine and feminine working together in Divine Union, we can master these karmic lessons presented to us. Remember, we peel back the layers of the evolution onion one layer at a time. 

Sometimes unpacking these healing stories can feel frustrating, as we come to seemingly similar points again and again in our lives, but this is yet another layer of the onion to move through as we expand our consciousness. With an Aries focus, the key is to look at ourselves directly, head on, face forward. Don’t shy away from your own reflection.

No matter what our path of healing is or what modality we identify with, all healing centers around a story of some kind. Maybe it’s a story of what we’ve inherited from our parents, or what we believe about ourselves, or how we understand our astrology. Whatever the origins of the words we weave, there is always a possibility to transition and transcend whatever limitations we’ve placed on ourselves via our stories.

Using our charts, we can identify pain points and resolve old wounds, and we can clear many generations and lines of family trauma through our individual awareness and persistence. The key with most healing is to begin and continue, and it helps if we are aware of the possibility first, and the strategy second to shift our patterns.

To learn about some of the ways we can identify pain points and healing potential in the chart, watch the video below or click here. Wishing you much illumination and success on your healing path!