
Pisces Season - Inclusive Integration

This is the season of Yin Mutable Water. Here we are working with receptivity, and making ourselves open as channels or conduits of energy. This is a time where we have extra conscious focus on integration and transcendence, and how these practices involve greater levels of unconditional love, surrender and compassion.

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We have Mercury retrograde bringing extra mental focus on what needs to be integrated, and this information will all be bubbling up from the subconscious. Look at where you have 28˚ Aquarius to 12˚ Pisces in your chart to see what area of your life is specifically being integrated or where you’re working on the dynamic of transcendence in some way.


This is a good time to pay extra attention to the thoughts that come to mind just before you fall asleep, or when you first wake up, as this is when the veil between conscious and subconscious mind is the thinnest, and we can get a pretty good idea consciously about what is really going on behind the veil of our psyche.


We can all benefit from a bit of a brain dump right now. Whatever that means for you, Mercury rx times are always indicating a quieting of the mind in some way. It can be good to intentionally set aside extra quiet reflection time, or to try to watch less TV or take in less information in some way, so that you can work with what you already hav going on. Usually this isn’t a time to start learning something new, but rather to fully digest, assimilate and integrate what’s already been floating around in your psyche.


It’s also a great time to spend doing automatic writing, where you just set a timer and go, or you can be more conscious about a specific question you want to answer, and just let the words flow. However you can access the flow state is perfect, and it’s really your doorway into integration and transcendence.


This is particularly strong energy up until March 29th, so overall we’re with this Mercury Rx energy for about 2 months, including the pre and post retrograde shadow periods. 


Something that’s come up for me in my own reflections is on the nature of transcendence and what it really means. When I go into my reveries or daydreams lately, I’m often pulled back to an old version of self, or an older story or feeling that I somehow need to integrate into my current experience. I find that these memories or thoughts are often coming up for a reason, and are in some way connected to what’s currently going on. You can kind of think of it like your past life information flowing across time to give you some sort of information that can be highly valuable to you now. If you really want to get trippy with this, you can imagine it’s like an older version of you projecting this information forward in time to where you are now, as though on the soul level you knew you would be ready to process whatever was going on at this current time. Just a thought. ;)


This sort of imaginative energy can be helpful right now as we look to transcend the limits of space and time and this third dimension. We’re really offered a glimpse into higher worlds, the worlds that we want to create based on what we’re attaching to in the imaginative realm. The more we soften and allow ourselves to enter the second attention, or take on a softer sight of the world we’re witnessing around us, the more integration naturally happens, often times without our conscious effort.


This receptivity is what Yin Mutable Water is all about. We’re allowing ourselves to soften so we can go with the flow of the stream of consciousness. And now when you’re in this space, what comes up for you? Are you pulled into the realm of negative self-talk? Or are you perhaps pulled into memories that hold something for you? Often times the positive memories are things that we can take the time to reminisce on, and pull more of that into our lives. These positive memories tend to not cause us any trouble. But what happens more often than not is that we humans enjoy using the strengths of our problem solving egos to actually go into our psyches and find problems to solve, so when negative memories come up, you can take the time to process them, and perhaps find a more loving way to engage with them.


This brings up the issue with our typical idea of transcendence. I’ve heard it floating around in the ethers that transcendence is about leaving an old version of yourself behind, or ascending beyond a lesser evolved self into a higher one. I have a problem with this way of looking at it, as it inherently suggests exclusion, and is not very loving of ourselves and the totality of our experience here as humans.


Instead, true transcendence is not about leaving some part of you behind, but is rather about inclusivity. As we evolve and transcend spiritually, we are actually increasing our capacity to lovingly and compassionately contain the older/less evolved parts of ourselves, without rejecting, shaming or guilting those parts of us into the shadows of our psyche. This is really the only way to move into higher states of consciousness, because if we are rejecting parts of ourselves, that isn’t true integration. Rather, that’s denial, and that brings us to a very differently reality and experience. 


Transcendence brings us to a state of unity consciousness, where we’re able to clearly see ourselves with loving attention, and able to love what is. We’re able to then look at the older versions of ourselves with compassion and understanding, without judging. And when we can do this with ourselves, we’re much more easily able to do it with others. This is how we evolve and transcend collectively, through the efforts of individuals learning to love themselves more.


This brings us into a greater realization of Oneness, which is predicated upon being in right relation with All that Is. This means being able to honor and respect each other being on this Earth, without judgement. This is the highest wish of Pisces this season. We have to remember that each archetype inherently carries within it wishes, wounds and wisdom. I’ve mentioned many of the wishes and the wisdom of Pisces, but we have to remember that often we get to the place of wisdom after going through the experience of the wounding.


Some of the wounding or the shadow side of Pisces is linked to escapism and addiction. A good way to be very honest with yourself this season is to look at what you’re addicted to, as we all likely have some tendency, even if we’re not currently engaged with it. We can also look at what triggers us to want to escape. I heard a great quote by Tashi Powers, an evolutionary astrologer and kundalini yogi, where she says that escapism is a normal part of human life. We all need to do it a little bit every now and then. But the important thing is to not stay in escapism too long. When we stay there too long, that’s when we start projecting our limiting beliefs onto reality. 


This is something to take to heart especially if you are working with a lot of Pisces energy or 12th house or Neptunian energy in your chart. It takes profound effort to be consciously aware of what’s really happening on the subconscious level, which is really what sparks the tendencies toward escapism or addiction. Really, our conscious mind has little authority over the subconscious mind. We can say for example that we want to have a different relationship than our parents had, or that we want to transcend a certain habit or attachment, but then our subconscious mind is usually saying something like, I want to have the same exact relationship my parents had, or I want to keep doing that bad habit. 


The subconscious mind does not really have a filter. It just accepts whatever it experiences, and then throughout our lives seeks to repeat the experience, which becomes an engrained pattern or habit. This is why meditation practices or systems like yoga seek to shift our karmic patterns, really our subconscious patterns so that we are not living based on past brainwashing or programming that doesn’t serve us.


This emphasis on relationships comes up this month as well with the Goddess asteroid Juno in Libra being square Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. She is also retrograde right now, bringing on heightened emphasis on individuating away from limiting patterns in our committed relationships, and really looking at how our past conditioning or brainwashing is being currently projected onto relationships. Look at where you have Libra and Capricorn to assess how this is manifesting for you.


Something we can do to create a new pattern is to first integrate the past patterns of relating. Being honest about our shadow and owning up to it actually allows us to be more loving to ourselves, which innately makes us more loving to others, or when others are acting out of their own shadow, we can see it for what it is, have loving compassion towards them, and it helps us to integrate our own shadow. So it can work both ways, and having this awareness of what’s going on can make the whole process easier.


It’s also worth noting that when we seek to transcend lower energies in our own life, we have to remember that it’s about inclusivity. We become more easily able to love others when we’ve transcended lower energies, rather than becoming more judgmental about others who may still be behaving from a lower level vibration. We can have compassion and understand that they just are where they are along their path of evolution, and the more lovingly we can accept people as they are, the more we can help them to accept themselves. When we’re loving, we’re really supporting the quantum evolution of the whole. And this loving of other people also can be applied when looking back at older versions of ourselves. We don’t need to hate an older version of ourselves to prove that we’re more evolved. 


In the vein of finding the highest essence of Pisces this season, I encourage you to look at where you currently stand in your connection with all the versions of yourself. You can look at your relationships with others, or with shadow or subconscious patterns to see what needs to be integrated, and therefore loved. 


Something that often comes up during this process is the lovely Piscean dance between confusion and clarity. Often when you throw Mercury Retrograde into the mix, this can potentially bring more confusion, but only if we are trying to work with more information than we can currently handle. This might mean simply taking in less information, trying to do more with less, and not pushing ourselves forward according to a rigid agenda of external achievement. 


Letting ourselves soften and exist in an organic flow state can actually help us get done exactly what needs to get done this season, without over-exerting ourselves, or feeling the need to mentally be in control of everything. This may be a time to enter more surrender on the mental level, and let your spirit guide you to the people you need to connect with, and the places you need to go.


Some tools for clarity and sobriety this season are lavender, who helps us with honest, open and authentic communication, and amethyst who helps to dispel confusion and release escapist tendencies, attachments and addictions. You might also want to try some kundalini yoga, specifically there’s a meditation to work with releasing addiction, and also transcendental meditation. 


Hopefully these tools are helpful as you integrate and transcend this season. Wishing you all the best on your evolutionary journey, namaste.


Love Nura