June Centered + Cyclical

Scroll down for video of this month’s transits.

Jun 1, 2023 5:42 PM: Jupiter conjunct North Node 3˚37’ Taurus

What new beginning are you expanding into? How are you increasing the space of your comfort zone? What can you do in your body to support your capacity to receive and hold abundance? How do you need to regulate your nervous system to feel safe to expand? Let this opening be an invitation to listen more deeply to your body and receive the insight from the inside out. Even if you consider the world “insight” - it’s about receiving information from your inner sight. Taurus is a yin sign, and it’s about receiving fortification, support and sustenance so that you can be a solid steward of all that is in your care.

It’s always a good idea to be in gratitude for what you have, but this energy in particular right now is especially supportive as it is the currency of transformation and opening up to something new with the ability to hold it. If you’re asking for more but can’t appreciate and hold what you have already, you will probably lose what you gain just as quickly as it comes in. This is an invitation to root in a practice of holding more, through gratitude and appreciation. It’s the simple things, the small daily actions that eventually amount to huge opportunities and blessings.

Jun 2, 2023 3:42 PM: Venus 27˚28’ Cancer trine Neptune 27˚28’ Pisces

Open up to feeling supported by your guides, by the divine, let the emotions flow, open up to feeling safe and secure. Be held by the Great Mother.

Jun  3, 2023, 8:41 PM: Full Moon 13˚18’ Sagittarius (square Asteroid Lilith)

Big expansive feelings that point us to how we get to share our pioneering thoughts and perspectives

Shining the light on truth in a way that includes a taste of the wild, square to asteroid Lilith in Virgo, increasing our connection with natural law, animals, a deepening connection with our natural processes of expansion - stay open, playful, connect to your inner nomad…

what do you get to explore in a new way?

What’s being cross-pollinated in your creative vision?

Jun 4, 2023 12:49 PM: Mercury conjunct Uranus 20˚24’ Taurus

Becoming aware of new resources, genius insights that will benefit you most if you’re into your body and congruent with your values. Mental resources that can help you root into healthy routines and rituals, to make good choices in business and investments, trade, communication, I’m very curious about what will happen with gas prices around this time, or if we’ll see some sort of big development initiated in the realm of transportation or the mailing systems.

Keep your eyes open for changes in these areas! It could be as simple as finding new ways to access information, AI developments, kind of like a promethean “giving the fire of the Gods to humans’ time. We can all receive this boost of liberation insight in our own unique way, which can also help us to value our own way of knowing and our innate human intelligence. How much do you value what you know? And what you’re an expert at?how well resourced are you in the realm of ideas and inspiration? What can you invest your time and attention into that will serve your highest awakening and tangible liberation?

Jun  5, 2023, 6:46 AM: Venus enters Leo

Jun 5, 2023 9:05 AM: Venus 0˚05’ Leo opposition Pluto 0˚05’ Aquarius

Jun 8, 2023 1:37 PM: Venus 3˚05’ Leo square North Node 3˚05’ Taurus

Venus will be in Leo until October 9th of this year. She’ll also be doing a lot of weight shifting this summer, with the shifting north and south node to Aries/Libra out of Taurus/Scorpio, as well as shifting to a new star point in Leo. This movement of her into Leo starts the party that we’ll get to engage with over the next 4+ months.

Leo is yang fixed fire, passionate, bold, dramatic, playful, generous, heart-centered, mastering internal validation. Where you have Leo in your chart will get  a nice dose of harmonizing confidence. Leo is also a highly creative sign, and invites more sustainability of your creative energy.

If you have a creative project that you’re working on, you can use this sustainable energy of endurance and resilience to carry you through. Combined with the energy of Jupiter in Taurus (which Venus will soon square), this is a nice combination for getting into a solid creative flow and groove with your creative ambitions.

There’s also a real family fun orientation this summer, and we’re opening into it this month. Anything you can plan to get in touch with the heart of your inner child will be supported. Even if you are solo, you can expect romantic feelings to be present, and it’s a great time to cultivate a deeper romance with life by really being in the present moment.

Venus opening her time in Leo with an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius invites reflection on the values you’d like to take with you into the new world we’re collectively co-creating. We have time before Pluto officially takes up permanent residence in Aquarius to reflect on the traditions we’d like to take with us, the lineages and ancient wisdom we’d like to see carried on in the new human systems we create. Venus in Leo invites a strong reflection on the heart of humanity, and the sacred flame of life and vitality that connects us all.

Her ingress into Leo also occurs square the nodal axis, creating a fixed grand cross that we’ve already been sort of working with while Mars has been in Leo. Venus will be exactly square Jupiter June 11th, but we’ll be feeling this influence already as of June 5th, as soon as she enters Leo. Where. Jupiter amplifies, Venus magnetizes.

Jupiter is also in Venus’ sign, so they are really on great terms. Squares between these planets is usually not felt as something awfully challenging, but usually a nice point of sexy tension that gives just the right amount of stoking the creative fire within you.

I’ve been calling this the summer of love, which can mean a lot of different things depending on your point of reference, but I mean it in the most literal sense.

What do you get to fall deeper in love with about your life? And how can this root you into a deeper sense of purpose and prosperity?

Jun 11, 2023, 2:35 AM: Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn

Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn and is there to stay until January 2025. Reconnecting with the traditional values that can support us as we forge ahead into new territory. This might look like some experimental regulation around AI, as well as the continued restructuring of our economy.

Jun 11, 2023 3:26 AM: Mercury 29˚59’ Taurus trine Pluto 29˚59’ Capricorn *degrees

Jun 11, 2023, 3:26 AM: Mercury enters Gemini

Jun 17, 2023, 10:27 AM: Saturn Retrograde at  7˚13’ Pisces

The building functionality of Saturn goes inward. We start to attune ourselves to the interior building plans, and reflect on the spiritual essence and timeless truth around what we’re creating. Pisces invites us to lean into our dreams, and Saturn asks us to do the dreamwork.

Anywhere we’ve been avoiding looking within to check for congruence will come to the surface. Since Pisces corresponds with archetypes, the cosmic womb, the ocean, expect distant echoes or fragments of what might have fallen into the ocean to be retrieved.

Once I lost a pair of sunglasses on a pier, when I was peering over to observe some crab fishing cages. Part of me regrets not being able to go in after them, but also the inner child in me wonders if my mermaid counterpart found them and added them to her collection of lost treasures.

With all that’s gone down beneath the sea, Saturn retrograde will have us dredging up all sorts of treasures, some perhaps gunky and gross and full of barnacles, others reformed and refined like a polished sea glass, holding the nostalgia and memories of precious ancient moments.

There’s a retrieval of some story from the deeps that once reconnected with, can help us to anchor in true magic for all we get to build in the real world next.

Jun 17, 2023, 9:37 PM: New Moon 26˚43’ Gemini (conjunct Juno)

Wanting to start something new, but feeling a bit weighed down by the past, need to do receive some closure first. But we can be experimenting and allowing, getting playful, opening ourselves to possibility, staying curious, fresh, in a state of youthful wonder, expecting miracles, asking to receive whatever is needed in order to close the chapter that is ready to close to make space for the new opportunities coming in

Jun 19, 2023 8:53 AM: Jupiter 7˚13’ Taurus sextile Saturn 7˚13’ Pisces

Felt strongly through 1st 2 weeks of July - good for getting meaningful work done, grounding, structured expansion, opportunities. They will approach this energy again next January (2024) but it won’t be exact. This is a time of building according to higher self aspirations.

Saturn is also in Jupiter’s sign so may be more flexible and enabling of growth than usual (especially after almost 6 years in his own ruled signs, things start to become a bit more lax in Pisces, we’re still getting used to that). Saturn Rx may have us wondering if “things will go back to what they were before”, but no, they won’t. There may be a fear response, but ultimately for us to come to closure around all that we’ve collectively experienced. It won’t be a complete closing for the next few years, but a solid layer of our emotional/subconscious energy will be freed up.

There is a key question being asked around how what we are building aligns (or not) with our values. Jupiter is holding a magnifying glass to what we value, and Saturn wants to help us erode the limiting structures. Together, they really can support us in feeling freshly aligned if we are willing to do the inner work to clear out what’s in the way of our growth.

Jun 21, 2023, 4:22 AM: Ceres enters Libra

Nourishment through mirroring, understanding the cycles of projection in relationship, nurturing through active listening and conscious conversation, holding space for balanced decision-making

Jun 21, 2023, 7:58 AM: Sun enters Cancer

Solstice - extreme of light - celebration of light and life and all that the Great Mother gives to us, safety, security, not needing to prove anything, just being. Protecting the creative projects under our care, attuning to Lunar Wisdom and initiating a new way of knowing ourselves, nurturing, self-care and self-image

Jun 22, 2023, 4:40 AM: Juno enters Cancer

Commitment to self-care, protecting mother energy, softening into sovereignty, lunar queen, triple Goddess, maiden, mother, crone, nurturing karmic agreements, nurturing soul mates, honoring the parents in our lives

Jun 22, 2023, 12:14 PM: Vesta enters Gemini

Sacred service through wordplay, word-smithing, Hermetic wisdom, sacred knowledge, the sacred question, sacred curiosity + play + innocence, devotional message, prayer + affirmation

Jun 26, 2023, 5:24 PM: Mercury enters Cancer

Nourishing thoughts, softening in the mental sphere, leaning into yin/feminine ways of knowing, protecting our ideas, self-care for the mind, quiet time, meditation, nostalgia, reminiscence, remembering inner child, communicating with inner child and lineage

Jun 28, 2023 6:42 PM: Sun 7˚07’ Cancer trine Saturn 7˚07’ Pisces

Jun 29, 2023 11:23 PM: Mercury 7˚05’ Cancer trine Saturn 7˚05’ Pisces

Mercury will add to this trine the next day, also approaching the superior conjunction at 9˚ Cancer, within the Taurus Mercury cycle (began at 11˚ Taurus when Mercury was Rx)

Shining light on universal archetypes of the Great Mother, sacred record keeper, dissolving untruths through caring enough to protect the next generation

Jun 29, 2023 1:41 AM: Venus 19˚43’ Leo trine Chiron 19˚43’ Aries

Healing confidence

Instinct, self-trust, boldness, let healing happen, give yourself space to create and let that be what heals you

Jun 30, 2023, 2:06 PM: Neptune Retrograde at 27˚42’ Pisces

Discerning the dream, releasing illusion, confusion to clarity, releasing fantasies in exchange for making our dreams a reality

June 30, 2023 10:06 PM: Sun conjunct Mercury 9˚09’ Cancer

Superior conjunction within the Taurus Mercury cycle, what we consume we become

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty