All Week: Be here, feel it all
Nov 7: Venus 18˚ Scorpio square Saturn 18˚ Aquarius, just as time changes - Virgoan degree - discernment, healing shame programming, it is draining to not be authentic
Nov 7: Samhain cross-quarter day, Sun at 15˚ Scorpio - ending the Via Combusta (Burning Way) - The Via Combusta - The “burning way” - Libra 15˚ to Scorpio 15˚ - preparing to close the eclipse portal, thin veil between worlds and versions of self
Nov 8: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (total) 16˚01’ Taurus - Releasing Habit of Emotional Eating + Consuming, Taking Your Power Back in Your Health
Nov 9: Ceres 16˚ Virgo trine Uranus Rx 16˚ Taurus - Sustainability Comes through Self-Sufficiency
Nov 11: Venus 24˚ Scorpio inconjunct Mars Rx 24˚ Gemini, Venus trine Pallas Athene in Cancer - What are your Essential Relationship Needs?