Cancer Season - Solstice 2021

This season, the Sun is hosted by the Moon. What does this mean? The Moon is the home of Cancer, and when the Sun is there, the Moon will be looking out for the Sun even more, making sure our  sense of direction is emotionally clear, nurtured, and grounded in cyclical wisdom. 

We have so much to celebrate at this peak time of the year. We’re celebrating emancipation, freedom of choice, LOVE. Whatever rituals you are creating, I hope they are full to the brim with this appreciation and insight into how we can continue this celebration of love and life into our future cycles and phases.

The Sun’s ingress into Cancer, Yin Cardinal Water, marks the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere, and Winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Everywhere on Earth we are at a point of extremes, where there is either extreme light externally (summer), or extreme light internally (winter). In any case, it’s a time to honor the Cycles of Light, and the emerging Self. Cancer and all Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) all have to do with identity, and these cardinal points bring opportunity for massive identity initiations.

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty