Mercury Rx in Aquarius 2021

Mercury stations Rx Jan 30th, 7:52am PT at 26˚29’ Aquarius. Mercury then conjuncts the Sun in an inferior conjunction Feb 8th, will square mars and trine the North Node in Gemini, as well as make further conjunctions with Jupiter and the other Aquarius stellium celestial bodies. Mercury will then station direct Feb 20th at 11˚01’ Aquarius.

Where do you have this whole story playing out in your chart? Watch this video below to learn more about the specific transits occurring during this Mercury Rx period.

This is a strong AIR year, so renewing our mental maps + reseting our neural pathways is the key to success + fulfillment!

Watch video by clicking image below

Mercury Rx in Aquarius.png

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty