Spring Equinox - Aries Season + a Changing World

Hello sweet beings here with me, riding this wave of conscious change here on spaceship Earth. These are wild times, quite literally as we re-wild ourselves to the natural flow of our hOMe planet, who’s really been speaking loudly to us for some time. I’m glad we’re all listening now. 

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Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, I invite you to pause, take a breath and ground in to the here and now. Take a moment to look around you and notice what your senses are sharing with you. Be here in your body, and know that your body is always the safest place to be. Embodiment is clarity, and I believe that something we’re collectively relearning is the Truth of embodiment and presence, and noticing the higher levels of consciousness that naturally emerge from that state.


This Vernal Equinox/Aries season brings us to a new edge in our current incarnational experience. The Sun moves into Aries March 19th, 8:49pm PDT. Aries is Yang Cardinal Fire, the initiator, the hero, the child, the Divine Spark of pure freedom in creation. There is a lot of potential for something new to emerge this season.


Our overview for this season:

We have Mars and Jupiter who will both conjoin Pluto, who’s been conjunct his own South Node in Capricorn, and we are still riding the wave of the new phase relationship between Saturn and Pluto. We also have Uranus in Taurus, shaking up and shaking loose the life we thought we would be living and all the priorities attached to that, along with the Sun coming close to a conjunction with Chiron in Aries. Mercury will be exiting his post-retrograde shadow period, and we’ll also have some shifting into more Air signs as Saturn makes his first move into Aquarius, along with Mars, and Venus will enter Gemini. I’ll unpack all of these variables in a moment, but just to get a feel into all that is cosmically shifting, mirroring what is happening here on Earth, can be helpful in sensing into what is being integrated on all levels right now.


Although this may be the first time for some in the Western world that we’ve experienced a mass global fear sweep in this lifetime, many of us have been here before and witnessed the rising and falling of empires. You might even say that as souls we chose to be here, knowing exactly what we were signing up for, because we knew we wanted to be a part of this profound paradigm shift. It’s my hope in this video to remind you of the strength you carry to share your gifts, and to be fully aligned with your why for being here at this time. This is an opportunity for all of us to put into practice and full on use of the gifts, talents and skills we carry, so that we can work together to create a brighter future for our planet.


One of the things I love about astrology is that it’s never not applicable. It always works. Every situation we find ourselves in has some way of being explained or understood on a deeper level through this study of how the cosmos and humanity intersect, as above so below, as within so without.  We can look at the movements of the celestial bodies to correlate what is happening on levels of our psychology, our health, our relationships and sociology, and all human and earth studies. That’s because it is simply a mirror, a multi-faceted kaleidoscopic mirror that contains the fractals of all the potentialities of human experience. So, the more you know about how the planets are moving through your chart, the more specifically applicable all of this information is to you. It’s never been a better time to become an astrologer, which I link to being a lover of what is.


We’ve all been on this awakening journey for a long time now. If you’re newer to this path of fierce, unconditional love for what is, please know that it’s normal to feel somewhat jolted into presence, and that is one of the core purposes behind this global transmutational shift. There is a lot at stake here. The health of our communities, the safety of our children and future generations, the systems that we’ve created to support our goals, and of course, the alignment with Gaia and her natural processes.


We’ve been working with Pluto in Capricorn energy pretty intensely and quite consciously for a while with the Nodal Axis being here, and it feels like we’re now in the full swing of what that really means for our evolutionary process. We are fully aware that we simply can’t do things the way we used to anymore. The table has been flipped. Anything that needs to go will go, just as much as anything that needs to come will come. To break down the astrology behind this, we need to rewind and fast forward through the scenes a bit, so we can take in the complete picture of the now.


Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will be until 2024. This time has brought us many shifts in how the world has been run on the hierarchical level, on the economic and political levels, and also in the way we’ve been learning to collectively and individually re-parent ourselves. Pluto also rules mutations, and the last time we had Saturn conjunct Pluto in 1982, there was a massive global awareness of the auto-immune disease AIDS. Pluto brings change and shows us the underlying WHY of any situation or energy or experience, and Capricorn represents the structure and system and function or role. When we engage with this dynamic, we can see how much we’ve all been learning how to reclaim our power by releasing the control we’ve allowed external authorities to have over our decision-making. We’re tuning in with something greater and more SOUL-aligned. Pluto brings awareness of the natural life/death/life cycle.


This is the purging of the collective fear of that cycle. This is when we get to dig deeper into what it really means to be human. Overcoming the global identity crisis and getting to know who we really are at the core of our being, thanks North Node in Cancer!


Pluto has also been conjunct its own South Node in Capricorn, with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction having been on this point back on January 12th of 2020, and the Jupiter- Pluto conjunction will also be on this karmic point. Just as the South Node of the Moon emphasizes the past dynamics of our self-image and what we’re integrating to bring to its highest essence, as does any planetary node, but Pluto’s takes a lot longer to shift through the degrees, so this is a long-term shift. With Pluto being currently conjoined with this sensitive point, it is a full-on confrontation of all past dynamics involving power, abuse of power, the power structures that have ruled the world for millennia, the imbalance of power between human realization of God/Goddess, and between humans and how we share our Earth with all the Beings here and the Earth herself. 


I find it interesting that the ingress chart for the United States for this Aries season has a rising sign of 24˚46’ Scorpio. This allocates a lot of energy this season for the US to dig beneath the surface of politics and economics to unearth the lies, the corruption and the misuse of power. You can look at the ingress chart for your own country to see the way the Aries season energy will play out on a national level. You can calculate an ingress chart by using the capital city of the country as the location for the moment the Sun comes to 0˚ Aries. 


We’ve been working with these dynamics consciously with the transiting North Node of the Moon in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn (which is also about to shift into Gemini/Sagittarius May 4th). Cancer/Capricorn is part of the axis of identity and initiation, as well as deconditioning and releasing stagnancy around traditions. It’s also important to look at ancestral healing and knowing where we come from. Capricorn is the public identity, with Cancer being the personal identity or self-image. This is also the axis of parents and children, and how we relate with that which conditioned us, and in what ways we may be out of balance with our own inner child(ren). This has been a year and a half journey of deeply tuning into what we really need, and being able to give that to ourselves. 


It’s probably a good time to give yourself a hug. 


With Saturn in his own ruling sign of Capricorn, this has been an intense time of initiation for those of us who have gone through our own Saturn Returns, and this is really a time to simply go out and do the thing we’ve been preparing our lives to do. Be the person we’ve been preparing ourselves to be. We had the Saturn-Pluto conjunction January 12th, at 22˚ Capricorn, and this has brought up many a global discussion on the right use of power, releasing karmic cycles of abuse and corruption, using global resources to satisfy greed, etc. Any conjunction with Pluto or hard aspect exposes the shadow material beneath the surface. We’re still working on this, and can expect this to be the vibe for the year. On the individual level, is there anywhere you’ve been lying to yourself or abusing your own power? Often, this is an unconscious act, so again, there need not be self-judgment about this. Simply look at where you have 22˚-24˚ Capricorn, and you’ll know where you stand to mature and become your own authority, while still respecting the authority of others.


Saturn soon enters Aquarius, March 21st (8:58pm PDT/11:58pm EDT), and this will be the first taste of the progressive new paradigm shift that will greatly affect the global tribe. When we think about the shadow of Aquarius, or the wound, this looks like alienation, exclusion, and separation from our brothers and sisters on the planet. The wish is a progressive system that incorporates the needs of all, and is based on strong individuals sharing their gifts with society. The wisdom of Aquarius will come through navigating between the shadow and the wish, and will manifest according to where you will have Saturn in Aquarius moving through your chart. 


Saturn goes Retrograde May 10th (9:09pm PDT/May 11th 12:09 am EDT) at 1˚57’ Aquarius, and will move back to 25˚20’ Capricorn through September 28th, and then will re-enter Aquarius December 16th. Saturn is then conjoined by Jupiter at 0˚29’ Aquarius December 21st, marking the first conjunction between Jupiter-Saturn in over 20 years. This is known as the Great Air mutation, as Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions mark more or less the societal religion of the cycle. We are moving into greater awareness on the future, technology, progressive politics, and new paradigm group dynamics that really serve the whole. 


To add to the magic, Jupiter will conjoin Pluto at 24˚ Capricorn on April 5th. Jupiter rules processes of inflation and deflation, especially with Pluto potentially popping any bubbles of Jupiterian excess. We can expect a lot of ups and downs with the economy, and time will tell how that comes to play out collectively. On the individual level, we can look at where we have 23˚-24˚ of Capricorn to see how this energy is moving through our lives.

This Jupiter-Pluto conjunction will recur June 30th, so we get to witness this expansion dance from many perspectives. Jupiter also adds a magnifying glass to whatever he touches, so can make bigger or inflate the fear around the virus. It will be especially important to stay aligned with what your body really needs, and not taxing the liver, since Jupiter rules the liver. Burdock and dandelion roots are helpful for detoxifying the liver, and therefore helping the liver to do its job and not be stressed. Capricorn is also the bones and structure of the body, so eating a diet that brings healthy levels of inflammation only is preferred to keep us feeling good on a holistic level. 


Overall this can be a time that brings much growth and prosperity in certain cases, as Jupiter-Pluto cycles engage the story of abundance on all levels, physically and spiritually. Is there any shadow in how you’ve been making money or pulling in resources? This going to be exposed so you can be aware of what needs to shift. As a collective, we’re already pretty clued in to the corruption in economics, so likely this will just completely blow up and there will be no hiding from the abuse of power that has gone on around finances. This is a time where we really need to be walking our talk, especially as spiritual leaders and teachers. In its wish form, this conjunction can transform what is challenging into a profound opportunity for growth and ethical prosperity.


The Sun in Aries will also be approaching conjunction with Chiron at 5˚ Aries, bringing greater conscious attention to what needs healing, particularly around the collective human ego structure. Chiron has been squaring the nodal axis, and this will be exact March 23rd at 3˚47’ Aries, with nodes at 3˚47’ Cancer/Capricorn. Squares to the nodes indicate skipped steps and potential for really integrating what has been missing from a holistic understanding of Self. This conjunction with the Sun brings the potential of maturing the ego, but we may also see exactly where the collective ego needs maturing. Aries on the wounded side is correlated to selfishness, fighting and war. This doesn’t need to be what happens in order for us to grow up as a society.


This square will also occur later in the year triggered into action by Mars in Aries, who will go retrograde squaring these sensitive points for much of the latter half of the year. We can expect a lot of heat and initiation of key individuals who will spark the changes and the revolutions, especially if you happen to be an individual with a strong Aries persuasion. We need you, spiritual warriors. We need you, strong individuals who will stand up for what is right. Now is not the time to play small, or be afraid of your own power. You know who you are.


We are soon approaching the New Moon happening at 4˚12’ Aries, March 24th (2:28am PDT/5:28 am EDT). This will be within 1˚ of Chiron in Aries, and still square the nodal axis, as well as conjunct Black Moon Lilith at 6˚20’ Aries. Black Moon Lilith in Aries is pointing out what is likely to be quite obvious to people around their shadow, as when we operate out of fear, our shadow is most evident. 


On April 5th, the Sun will conjunct BML at 16˚ Aries, so our conscious attention will be on looking at the limitations of our ego structure, and where we are holding onto unprocessed trauma in our psyches. There’s no need for any judgment around what comes up in this process as we up-level and release the lies we’ve been told about ourselves. This is a big part of growing up, which is also deconditioning from what external authorities have told us about who we are and what we’re capable of. Especially when we are aligned with our Higher Selves and in communion with the Divine, God/Goddess, we can do anything. We can do exactly what we’ve been put here to do. Black Moon Lilith here in Aries may bring up the doubts, but also offers us an opportunity to re-wild ourselves and come back to the full power of our instincts, our animal body that simply knows what is true and what isn’t, what is right and what isn’t. 


We also have some shifting in the Air element this month, with Venus entering Gemini April 3rd, and then being involved in a Grand Air trine operating primarily between April 14-15. This Grand Air trine will involve Vesta at 9˚ Gemini, Juno at 10˚ Libra, with the Moon and Mars around 10˚ Aquarius. Air brings us a change of perspective and a new way of looking at things. This also may bring up disagreements on what is true, and we can learn a lot from the wisdom of Gemini which honors the relativity of Truth. We have to accept that we are all experiencing this global state of emergency very differently, and in our maturity and grace we can hold space for the various perspectives and truths that will come up around us. This is actually a big piece of how we can master more elements of our patterns of relating.


I recently learned that the word quarantine means 40 days, and is an amount of time that has rippled through past stories of profound shifting on this planet. We can give ourselves that amount of time to stop the hustle and bustle, and see how we emerge on the other side. As many of us are either forcefully or self-quarantined, we can take this opportunity to care for ourselves perhaps for the first time in this life as we truly need. We can SLOW DOWN and allow ourselves to feel our feelings, to know that they are real and a part of our evolutionary journey and awakening process, and to allow ourselves to really heal and nourish and rejuvenate ourselves. 


Perhaps as we stay home we can spend more time with family, and can consciously work out some of our fear-based patterns that have tainted our relationship dynamics. This can be an opportunity to completely step off the wheel or out of the loop of incessant trigger patterns, but it requires us to learn how to sit with fear, and let it be transmuted from the Truth + Wisdom within our hearts.


Just because we are physically distancing doesn’t mean we are socially distancing. Already the yoga communities I am a part of have opened up their studios for online classes, virtual women’s circles and prayer circles are abounding everywhere you look, and those of us who feel safe in our close circles are doing maker’s gatherings and craft circles, where we can enjoy each other’s company while doing something that no matter what happens in the future will be beneficial. Think making herbal tinctures for wellness, fermenting or drying fruits and vegetables, practicing growing your own food or finding a farm to support. Elderberry is so good for fighting viruses.  Even if these actions are sparked by something as jolting as a fear response, this is still beneficial even if everything is fine in the end. Maybe we will learn something new about sustainability and being consciously aligned with the Earth and her processes and seasons, which is never a bad idea.


This is something that Uranus in Taurus has much to share with us about. Uranus is currently trine the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn and sextile the North Node in Cancer, all at 4˚ of their respective signs. This brings the ease of awakening, of sudden and unexpected changes, of complete liberation from past patterns, and a mass re-prioritization of Earth consciousness. I’ve been talking about this for the past few years since Uranus entered Taurus, and it bears repeating that it’s more important than ever to choose change before change chooses you. 


What are the values and priorities that you’ve committed to in the past that have been based on fear? What of those priorities are flaring up now in your experience? What opportunities do you have for releasing what you truly don’t need, and re-orienting yourself toward what you do need? The sextile to the North Node suggests that if we are willing to take the little steps toward creating a more nourishing and sustainable, balanced future, that these changes will lead us there with only a little effort on our parts. 


If there’s a change in your path that you’ve been knowing you need to make, now is the time to do that, as if there is really a choice at this time. Many have been laid off of work, are facing a vastly different economic situation for at least the next month or more, and taking a risk of sounding idealistic, I really do believe that trust is the only real option if you want to find peace and joy moving forward. 


Trusting that everything is always in Divine Order, as Neptune in Pisces reminds us. Trusting that there is always opportunity for love to be shared and communities to support each other, and for us to build a new system that actually reflects the needs of the people, as Saturn soon entering Aquarius will remind us. Trusting that we will have exactly what we need in order to serve our purpose, as Uranus in Taurus is reminding us. Trust that what darkness we have to face within ourselves will be that necessary time in the cave or tomb that will inevitably bring us out the other side, through the chrysalis of profound SOUL LEVEL transformation, as Pluto reminds us. 


There is so much to be grateful for.


The best things you can do for yourself if you’re feeling anxious or in the grips of uncertainty is come back to presence. Some of my favorite ways to do that are through breathwork, yoga, and singing. A mantra in song-form that has been really helpful in my hOMe is by Alexa Sunshine Rose, and she sings:


“I release control

And surrender to the flow

Of love

That will heal me”


Find your favorite music. Do your favorite dances. Connect with your favorite people and tell stories and LAUGH. Remember that one the quickest ways to peace is through JOY. 


This will also point you in the direction of what is most true for you, as the coming North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius time will be the most directed at. This can guide us to our truest priorities, and what we value most in this life.


Some questions that can help you narrow in on what is TRUE for you:


(This is a question I came across given by Londin Angel Winters and her partner Justin Patrick Pierce, two role-models on the art of human relating).


What kind of love do you need to give before you die? 

When I asked myself this question, it got me reflecting on exactly what it is I’m here to do, and WHY. This is behind all that I do in my work with clients, in my writing, in my sharing with you all, in my communities. As I can witness the potential for shifting in what I offer, I also know that my purpose transcends the limitations of whatever the societal structure I’ve been conditioned by, and that just because one expression of my purpose might shift, that is only to bring me to exactly where Great Spirit needs me next. For me, the love I need to give is based on compassion, joy, purpose and peace, and witnessing that in all beings I meet, and therefore all parts of myself that I meet.


Another good one:

What miracle is happening around you right at this moment?


The more we can train our brains to be looking for miracles, the more we will shift our perception and therefore our experience of reality. Dropping into the heart center from the mind, or lifting from the root chakra out of survival mode if that is available to us, this re-orientation of our energy can drastically change what we are able to create from this space.


This time has brought me closer with my daughter, and also in a more healed relationship with my own inner children, who’ve simply wanted to be heard and held more. That is the potential with the North Node in Cancer, bringing us even closer to the nourishment we truly need that will sustain us, no matter what changes in the external structures around us. When we know who we are, and are able to make choices from that place, and not from fear, no one on the outside can control us. That is my prayer for the world at this time.


As always, I am here for readings and will likely do a few live Q + A sessions in the coming weeks so stay tuned on Instagram, Facebook and through my mailing list, and if you are wanting to check in with how to identify your purpose and your special gifts, I recommend the Karmic Axis reading, which you can find on my website nurarachelle.com.  


Wishing you well wherever you are, and wishing you joy and peace. Together, we can achieve peace on earth, and now is a very powerful time to do your important part in that global healing. Bowing across the space, and sending a big virtual hug to you and yours. 



- Nura



Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty