Capricorn Season - Winter Solstice 2019

Happy Capricorn season!

(scroll down for video!)

This is a time of ritualistically and actively releasing attachment to doing and producing. It’s a good time to perhaps make a list of all the projects that are exciting you, and let go of the need to do them right now. Perhaps as the days start to lighten up post-holidays and you feel the energy begin to return later in the season, then you can start to dedicate yourself to what’s most inspiring and energizing to you one by one. Until then, it’s a good time to dedicate yourself to grounding into your inner cave, supporting the process of the Divine Re-seeding that’s occurring this season, and reflect on the innate magic of our natural cycles and processes. This is the time for refilling ourselves from the inside out, so that our containers can be rejuvenated and renewed for next Spring.

This Capricorn season pulls in the integration of our thought processes (Mercury), our past version of self (South Node), our expansion process (Jupiter), our self-mastery process (Saturn), our evolutionary process (Pluto), and of course our conscious attention (the Sun).

On Christmas Eve the Moon will be in Sagittarius conjunct Pallas Athene and Mercury. This is an amazing moon for charades and joyful, quick-witted banter.

On Christmas Day, we have the New Moon at 4˚06’ Capricorn 9:13pm PST

This New Moon is also conjunct Jupiter and the South Node, therefore making this a New Moon Eclipse. Maybe we’ll finally be able to let go of any family dramas and purge the old patterns of relating around the holidays. 

Connect with the energy:

  • Building the inner reserves so your creativity can sustain you into the new growth and life of Spring

  • Honoring what needs to come to a close in your life, like crone stage

  • Being a role-model, guide or mentor, helping others up the mountain

  • Find an elder to honor

If you’re looking for rituals, any time between the Winter Solstice, the New Moon and the New Year are good opportunities for grounding in your cosmic intentions:

Some Winter Solstice rituals:

-       108 Sun Salutations (cultivating the inner Sun during this dark time of year)

-       Candle gazing

-       Burying seeds in the Earth of future manifestations for the coming Spring (perhaps on seed paper)

-       List your creative projects each on a separate sheet of paper and put it in a “to-do later pile”, and when it comes time you can complete them one at a time

Happy Soul-stice and Capricorn season,

love nura

Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty