What does Scorpio season mean for you?

The Sun enters Scorpio Wednesday October 23rd at 10:19 am PDT. Scorpio is Yin Fixed Water, asking us to get in touch with our evolutionary intentions, or in other words, the deepest desires of our soul.

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The Sun will oppose Uranus at 4˚47’ Taurus (who’s still Rx) at the beginning of this Scorpio season, and will call in a lot of personal investigation into how we share our resources, including our time, energy, and soulful intention. This can bring up profound awakenings and liberation in any relationships we’re involved with that involve money, resources and shared stakes in a situation. Be prepared for some type of change or insight to occur in how you are working out your soul karma with people around the issues of resources. You might find that something you’ve been working on just finally starts to click, or perhaps some alteration of the relationship itself may finally be able to come through. Trust that all changes, even if challenging are always for the highest good.


The Sun’s sesquiquadrate to Neptune Rx at 16˚15’ Pisces brings up necessary adjustments to how we are connecting with Spirit. This can involve a deeper psychic empowerment that we can come into this season, where perhaps some of those latent psychic gifts become more evident. We might find that we have to do a bit more work at the beginning of this season to tap into the psychic flow of information that spirit is downloading to us, but that toward the middle of Scorpio season we will actually be fully tapped in once the effects of the Sun trine Neptune become more obvious. For those of you who identify with your psychic abilities can definitely attest to having ups and downs in psychic power, and it can be helpful for your intuitive skill-building to observe the timing of when you feel in your groove or when you feel more disconnected. My thoughts on this are that there are certain times when we are more meant to connect intuitively as compared to more rationally, or through our various life experiences where we can make the connections later. Whatever ways you receive information from Spirit is perfectly valid, and more than anything Scorpio season can be a time to learn to trust in those messages more, and also fine-tune your modes of reception. 


The Sun forms an inconjunct to Chiron at 2˚30’ Aries, which demonstrates the natural relationship between Scorpio and Aries. They share nothing in common, with Scorpio being Yin Fixed Water, and Aries being Yang Cardinal Fire. Scorpio is indirect action, where Aries is direct action. Yet, they share something quite important… both being ruled by Mars in the ancient astrological systems, before Pluto became the ruler of Scorpio. 


This relationship becomes emphasized this month as Mars is square the nodes, ancient ruler of Scorpio (inner side of Mars), indirect action, covert actions based on thinking you can’t get what you want directly, so you have to get your needs met indirectly. This is why Scorpio is so strongly associated with being so psychic and able to read between the lines and other’s energy, as you need that in order to move indirectly. This is also why Scorpio is so associated with secrets and potential for manipulation, think Little Finger from Game of Thrones if that’s your jam, he’s a great example of the Scorpio archetype. But there are also really beautiful examples of Scorpio that are all about healing, such as the archetypes held by the shamans of the world, the medicine people, the death doulas, the soul-retrievers, the integration workers of the world. This is another example of how the power of Scorpio can be used, like the power of any sign, for good or for evil, or somewhere in between. Understanding astrology is not about pinning characters onto archetypes as some sort of absolute containment or description of any archetype. If anything, I think it’s important to sense into how broad each archetype can be, and that the manifestation and expression of any sign really depends on the level of consciousness of the person who is holding that archetype in their field. This kind of thinking can really help heal any misconceptions we collectively hold about Scorpio in general. We can all definitely benefit from a deeper integration and understanding of how Scorpio works in each of our lives. This is where we can tap into the power of our souls, our ability to heal, transform, and become the very best versions of ourselves.


Ceres exactly conjunct Jupiter at 21˚ Sagittarius – this is a time of expanding our awareness of cycles, seasons, patterns and how our ability to problem solve within the changing seasons can support our ability to tap into health, wealth and happiness. Jupiter is like Santa Claus and really wants to give us everything we need in order to be abundant and live a life of prosperity, but we really need to be in alignment with natural law in order for this wealth to be authentic and long-lasting. This also brings up ethics, of how we go about our expansion process, both as individuals and as a collective. This asks us to look at how our economic practices are in or out of alignment with natural law, instead of only looking at human-made law. The more we know how to flow with the Truth of the seasons, the more we can actually tap into our own Truth and natural humanness, where abundance is our natural state rather than scarcity as we’ve been led to believe.


The South Node in Capricorn is slowly waning away from the intensity of the conjunctions with Pluto and Saturn, still within 3˚ orb of Saturn, but now 9˚ away from Pluto and still moving further since the nodes always travel in retrograde motion. So, all of the intensity of past-life and present life karmic purging led by Pluto is finally starting to become more integrated, and on a practical level with Saturn’s support. You may notice the intensity of the purging is slightly lessened, although we are now in a good position to make the choices we know we’ve been needing to make from a clearer space within ourselves. 


Pluto’s effect can often feel like the bass speaker at a dance party, keeping the beat below the melody, if the beat doesn’t resonate then the whole song is ruined for us. Or if it’s an amazing beat, we notice we will carry it with us after the song is over, maybe even for the next couple days if it was good. This is the effect we might be feeling now in Pluto’s relationship to the South Node. He was holding that beat of karmic purging and confrontation of past-self dynamics, and it really got a bit uncomfortable for a while for many of us. But now it’s like we’ve moved through the most challenging part of the purge, and are now just noticing the changes that have occurred, and hopefully feeling good about the effects Pluto has had in our lives. It really does feel good to release karmic BS and to get that cathartic release, knowing we can move forward with a clean(er) slate. 


That being said we still have a bit more of that beautiful soul work to be done this season, as that is what Scorpio is all about. We can think of the phoenix, a higher nature of the Scorpio archetype, who also includes the Eagle and the Dove in addition to the renowned Scorpion.  


The phoenix of course represents the death and rebirth that occurs when we confront the preconceived limitations of who we are and have been, in relationship with ourselves and with the soul of the world. The eagle is the part of Scorpio who can fly high above it all and see a bigger pattern, and yet still see the most minute detail for accuracy in manifesting. And the dove represents the higher love that can occur once we’ve shed our lower karmic patterns in relationships with others. We embody the dove aspect of Scorpio when we truly love another for who they are, without trying to change them, or without any power plays or manipulation. All of these different emanations of Scorpio are the goals we are seeking when sitting in the caves of our shadow selves and doing the necessary confrontation and integration work with ourselves. 


Mercury Rx in Scorpio, happening Oct 31st 8:42am PDT from 27˚-11˚, and is in Scorpio from Oct 3 to December 8th, so more than 8 weeks. To imagine the archetype of Mercury in Scorpio, you can put together the trickster, who is Mercury, with perhaps someone in a dark cloak which is very Scorpio. So, while the trickster is wearing a dark cloak this season, what is he doing? What is it for? Is it for uncovering secrets meant to hurt someone or meant to heal someone? These questions imply that this transit is really what we make it, and we can choose to use the energy of Scorpio in either an abusive or an enlightening way. The choice is always ours. In our process of conscious evolution, we can look at how we may have tricked ourselves into corroborating with any abusive or hurtful patterns perhaps even in our own self-dialogue. 


The degree that Mercury stations Rx in the Sabian symbols is “the king of the fairies approaching his domain” which implies a look at the deeper spiritual worlds around us, and going beyond what we see in everyday life (you can learn more about Sabian symbols from Dane Rudyhar’s Astrological Mandala). We can look at where we are being asked to look deeper into our surroundings to see what we haven’t seen before but that has always been there.


Mercury will Rx all the way back to 11˚, being the Sabian symbol of “an official embassy ball”, which is all about how organize socially, our elitist institutions and group-consciousness according to Dane Rudhyar. This definitely pulls up the level of perception that we can take in our own lives to further perceive what is really going on in our society, and what is perhaps being hidden from us. I don’t mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but there are definitely things being hidden from the public view, but that we actually all have access to through the collective unconscious if we are willing to explore for ourselves. My suggestion here would be to learn how to access the information you require in your own life through your own internal system so that when things are happening externally you are not left with only the perceptions of others, especially those who may seek to indoctrinate. Just sayin. J


We have a Scorpio stellium including Sun, Pallas Athene conjunct Mercury and Venus. The light of our consciousness, our point of attraction, our creative intelligence and our thoughts and communication style will be taking on the tone of deep and powerful transmutation. You may find that your whole way of perceiving turns on its head to prepare you for the healing that wants to come through. 


During this Mercury Rx, the sun in Scorpio will come to a trine with the North Node in Cancer, while Mercury, Pallas and Venus will be trine Black Moon Lilith at 26˚ Pisces and Chiron at 2˚ Aries. 


On the day Mercury stations Rx the Moon will also be conjunct Jupiter and Ceres between 23 and 24˚ Sagittarius, bringing in expanded emotional awareness of what needs to be nurtured in our process of confronting our limiting beliefs. It could also provide an opportunity throughout the Mercury Rx season to focus on our beliefs around self-care, self-love, and nurturing, and what is appropriate for the season. Sometimes we hold onto patterns, even seemingly wonderful ones as involved in self-care, but at times they can actually become indulgent or stagnant in some way. Through the lens of Scorpio, we will be able to confront anything that is not aligned with our soul values. On another level, this expansive Sagittarian energy can work really nicely with the Scorpio as we seek to shed limiting beliefs and bring light to a higher Truth about ourselves then we have known before. 


Often during Mercury Rx times, we are advised not to make any big decisions, or sign contracts, or take in too much new information, as we’ll probably have to repeat what we learn anyway. On one hand I see this as being practical advice, but on the other hand I think if we play too much into certain “rules” of what we should or shouldn’t do during a Mercury Rx cycle, we actually limit ourselves and our own development of our intuitive abilities. If anything, this is a time to practice perceiving the truth of any situation from all angles, really diving deeper into our understanding of the mysteries of our lives, so we can know life better, so we can add more soul into the world. It’s not about being afraid and shutting ourselves up in some limiting pattern just to stay safe. This is a season of honing in on our inner knowing, and purifying our thoughts in a sort of mental detox, putting the same care and attention that we would into our bodies during a detox, into our minds. 


During this Scorpio season we are working strongly with purifying the intention and attention of our minds. More than anything, we can sharpen our concentration, which is really where our greatest conscious power comes from. We are ruled by about 95% subconscious energy, so the more we can attune our conscious mind to be aligned with our soul needs and desires, the easier it is to navigate the somewhat unruly subconscious mind with loving attention and intention. 


Scorpio also rules the process of elimination in the body and auric field, so this is a great time to involve our minds in this process. We can look at what we might be holding onto on a mental level, and do what we can to establish a healthy flow of in and out in our mind. This is a time to look at what baggage may be lingering, from other people, or from dark memories, or perhaps what we need to process for the collective. Especially when it comes to media, we can take extra care during this season to be intentional with what we are watching and taking in, because just like with junk food making our bodies work extra hard to detox, media junk can be taxing on a mental level and make it harder to get to the real, lasting and meaningful stuff in the basement of our subconscious. If we’re just putting junk in on the surface, it takes up all our mental and conscious energy to release just that out of our system, so we might not even get to the good stuff beneath the surface.

 All in all, you've got this, if you simply choose to stick with yourself. Don't abandon your emotions. They always wish to tell you something... perhaps they want to help you to be your lightest, brightest self.

Much love,


Nura Rachelle

Integrative Astrologer, focused on integrating polarities & reclaiming sovereignty