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Personality Why : Who am I ?

Soul Why : What’s my Evolutionary Intention ?

Divine Why : How can I be of Purposeful Service?


Want to read all the charts?

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“Know Thyself” is one of the oldest teachings in all the sacred books. It’s a continuous process to practice deep, embodied self-trust and alignment with the highest expression of what we want to explore in this life. Studying the planetary movements can support us with understanding how to align consciously with our soul level desires. What’s at the center of our choices?

Sacred teachings remind us that the simple principles of the upper plane (heavens) govern the complexities of the planes below it (Earth stories). By studying astrology we’re studying the cosmic principles that govern all life.

My goal in consulting and teaching through astrology is to simplify these principles so we can all see how to fully embody the wisdom innate within each cell, plant, animal, planetary body, and the universe we live in. The more we see the oneness of the elements that bring us all together, the more we can show up authentically & compassionately to share our gifts with the world.

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