Single Question Quick Read
Single Question Quick Read
Ask a focused question about your natal chart or a specific transit. (This is not the same as a full chart reading, for that see Chart Alchemy).
You'll receive a detailed recording (about 20-25 minutes).
You can ask something general if you want a quick overview, but the more specific you are in your question, the more detailed I can be according to your needs! See some examples of common questions below.
Common questions:
What does my chart show about purpose / career / relationship needs / money / health?
What are the major themes of my natal chart / human design chart?
What are the basics of my human design chart and how does it interweave with my astrological chart?
How can I embody the highest gifts according to my chart?
What are the important major life cycles that I’m currently going through?
What are the major transits and how are they affecting me or how can I make the most of them?
What Venus cycle was I born into and how does that influence my creative process and relationships?
What are some good dates for me to launch my new business / project / creative endeavor?
How can I understand / unpack my childhood / family stories for healing?
What are the most common themes of healing presented in my chart and what are the most supportive healing modalities for me?
What does my cross of identity tell me about my major identity projects in my life (ascendant/descendant/MC/IC)?
What are the gifts I offer?
How can I empower myself in the face of life’s challenges?
… the sky is not the limit!