Integrative Astrology
trust yourself
know your gifts
confidently relate + create
Get out of the boxes. Know and Be who you really are + TRUST yourself.
Make informed, radically self-loving choices…
that lead to more fulfilling relationships, career and overall well-being.
You’re here for a reason.
You left yourself a MAP.
What planets are guiding you?
Check out this intro course to deep dive into astrological magic and
connect with Your Cosmic Creativity Guides!
Hi, I'm Nura
Integrative Astrologer, Consultant + Coach
Astrology is a doorway for knowing + loving yourself in your wholeness, turning pain stories into purpose and reclaiming your sovereignty.
I’m here to support the people who love to explore what is possible, who know they are here to make a difference, and who want to BE the change.
I combine astrology (western tropical and Vedic/sidereal), human design, tarot/symbolic/archetypal studies and intuitive skill-building. It’s all about activating your path of sacred remembrance + creative flow.
I specialize in Cyclical Living and Holistic Integration/Wellness (aka feeling amazing about who you are and your embodied experience health, relationships, career).
You can find info on sessions here, and longer term coaching here.
My intention is for you to find support here in confidently embodying your most authentic, joyful Self-expression so you can make informed, radically self-loving choices that lead to your most fulfilling life.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Peace, peace, peace. In yourself, in the world, in the cosmos.

“Seek not the path of the ancients, seek what the ancients sought.”
- Matsuo Basho -
You left yourself a map,
a cosmic code,
a Divine Solution.
Ready for more confidence in how you relate and create?
Click below to learn more about the REBEL REBORN 1:1 coaching program.